For those of you yearning to camp outdoors, camping tents are a rewarding investment. Camping offers you the awesome opportunity to be with nature and take in all its magnificence. Those who routinely camp typically invest in the best camping tents that will stand the test of time. Purchasing camping tents is a challenge if you do not know exactly what to search for when looking for the best camping tents. Tents are the place you are going to rest and shield yourself from animals and extreme weather conditions; so it is extremely vital to select one with care.
When looking for the best camping tents, you should initially have a look at where you are going to camp and exactly what the weather your likely to encounter. Camping tents have been made to fit diverse weather conditions and activities such as fishing, canoeing, biking or hiking. The multitude of camping tent selections offered in the market makes it difficult for the buyer to make his option easily. Camping tents offer numerous sizes and styles. There are basically three standard designs available. They are cabin tents, dome tents, and backpacking tents. These tent types are ideal for river camping, canoe camping, or spending a weekend with the family outdoors. These tents are lightweight and simple to set up.
The Best Camping Tents To Consider
Cabin tents - One of the many advantages of a cabin tent is that it can offer appropriate room to enable campers to stand inside them. This feature is what most typical camp tents lack. Moreover, considering that these type of tents are roomy, they provide a place where you can put your camp stove and cooking supplies. If your camping trip does not involve hiking and you are going to bring your automobile with you, then a cabin camping tent is your best choice. Certain cabin tents even have porches. You and your family members would certainly enjoy all the amazing perks that cabin camping tents can offer.
Family dome tents - are a terrific option to camping in style without claustrophobia. You have the ability to select a family dome tent from a couple of colors and designs without needing to spend a lot. You likewise will then be able to take pleasure in the outdoors without needing to find an additional means to camp, while keeping the bugs out of your hair as you sleep. One of the many features that family dome tents offer is they are usually screened in, keeping pesky bugs outside. These type of tents allow campers to remain outdoors, but indoors!
Backpacking tents - These type of tents range in size from a single person tent, two man tent, three man tent, and all the way up to a family of 10. They are ideal for backpacking, hiking, river camping, canoe camping and much more. Because tents for backpacking are lightweight and portable, many seasoned campers prefer backpacking tents when camping outdoors.
Dome tents - These tents got their name from the shape of their rounded design. Dome tents are easy to set up and are extremely lightweight and portable. If you are planning to hike or camp in a remote place than this is the tent to consider.
A Fun And Convenient Way To Stay Healthy
Most children love bouncing. Many of us do not know that this activity is more than just fun because it can make us healthy and fit. Buying premier trampolines is very beneficial for our health as long as we know how to use them properly and safely. Working out in this device for 30 minutes, twice a week can strengthen your legs. You can enjoy jumping high without having too much pressure on your leg joints because the bouncy mats absorb the impact. This device can also help you improve your cardiovascular health. Bouncing on it for 10 minutes can equal the 30 minutes of running. This will help you save more time and effort, and without leaving your spot you can exercise efficiently.
If you have kids and you want them to enjoy bouncing safely on this fun rebounder, you can buy net enclosures so that they will not fall off of it. You can place it in your backyard but make sure that no one can gain access to it when you are not at home. You must understand that if your neighbor's kid secretly plays on the trampoline in your backyard without you knowing it and an accident happens, you will still become reliable for the incident. It will be safer if you have a closed fence or steel gate that will keep the device locked. If you are not using it very often, it is better to keep it in a box.
Most people stop jogging and running when the rainy season comes. If you have a trampoline inside your house, you can still continue your workout inside your home as long as you have a high ceiling. This is perfect if you have a favorite series on TV that you do not want to miss watching. You will also be able to watch the kids while you bounce. These rebounders are available in various shapes, colors, sizes, and materials. Know which one suits your purpose of having one and consider the area where you will place it before you buy one. If you want to place it outdoors, you must buy a durable and high quality product.
Never buy according to its price because your safety will be at stake. Always buy from credible suppliers so that you can make sure that you are buying a good product. Prevent obesity and jump for joy. Increase your stamina and shake off those extra fats. You can learn various tricks in the air as you keep on rebounding. Observe the safety tips and replace damaged parts before accidents take place. Make sure to talk to your doctor first about your health condition to know if this type of workout suits you.
If you have kids and you want them to enjoy bouncing safely on this fun rebounder, you can buy net enclosures so that they will not fall off of it. You can place it in your backyard but make sure that no one can gain access to it when you are not at home. You must understand that if your neighbor's kid secretly plays on the trampoline in your backyard without you knowing it and an accident happens, you will still become reliable for the incident. It will be safer if you have a closed fence or steel gate that will keep the device locked. If you are not using it very often, it is better to keep it in a box.
Most people stop jogging and running when the rainy season comes. If you have a trampoline inside your house, you can still continue your workout inside your home as long as you have a high ceiling. This is perfect if you have a favorite series on TV that you do not want to miss watching. You will also be able to watch the kids while you bounce. These rebounders are available in various shapes, colors, sizes, and materials. Know which one suits your purpose of having one and consider the area where you will place it before you buy one. If you want to place it outdoors, you must buy a durable and high quality product.
Never buy according to its price because your safety will be at stake. Always buy from credible suppliers so that you can make sure that you are buying a good product. Prevent obesity and jump for joy. Increase your stamina and shake off those extra fats. You can learn various tricks in the air as you keep on rebounding. Observe the safety tips and replace damaged parts before accidents take place. Make sure to talk to your doctor first about your health condition to know if this type of workout suits you.
What You Need To Know About Traveling Right
So, you've booked it. You're ready to execute your traveling plan? Well, now is a great time. You probably have many questions on what you need to know, but don't worry, this article can assist you. Listed below are some tips that will help you get started with your traveling aspirations.
Pack an extra bag for dirty clothes. No one wants to pack their dirty unmentionables in with all their nice things. Pack a small, collapsible bag to pack dirty clothes in for the return trip. Alternatively, bring a garbage bag. You can wrap dirty clothes in the garbage bag to keep them separate from everything else.
Trust locals over the concierge. Unfortunately, many hotels and their concierge services have agreements with certain businesses to steer guests to them, regardless of whether or not it is in your best interest. Instead, scope out a place that looks like your style and ask other customers for additional recommendations.
To keep your travel arrangements within your budget, make them as far in advance as possible. Despite the many, many different things you can spend money on when you travel, virtually all of them have a common characteristic: They are cheaper the earlier you purchase them. By minimizing last-minute expenditures, you can make your travel stretch that much further.
Keep a photo journal of a beloved stuffed animal When traveling with kids, make great memories and an awesome souvenir by taking pictures of your child and the stuffed animal doing fun things throughout the trip. At home, you can collect all the pictures and make them into a photo adventure book to remember your trip.
Limit the amount of luggage you take on your trip to a carry-on bag. Luggage has a nasty habit of getting lost in airports. Even if it does not get lost, you often spend an annoying amount of time waiting for it to show up on the luggage carrousel. Limiting the luggage you take to a single carry-on bag will eliminate this problem entirely.
Call the airport ahead of time to receive your seat assignment. Without a seat assignment there is a chance that you might be bumped from a flight. If this happens, you could find yourself stuck in the terminal waiting for the next flight. This could take several hours.
If you are packing for a cruise, don't buy anything new for the trip. This is because most cruises today will allow you to remain in casual clothes even for dinner, and almost never require that you dress in black-tie formalwear. Whatever you currently own is most likely acceptable for the trip.
A simple way to save a bit of money on lodging at the beach is to take a room that is not a beach view room. If you are after the romance or have a strong desire to watch the ocean from your room or balcony, then opt for the beach view. However, if you are not as particular, you can put a few dollars in your pocket by taking a room not so in demand.
When you get back from a trip with a baby or toddler, do not expect them to be back to their schedule as usual the very next day. Children this age like to follow schedules and theirs was disrupted for some time. By realizing this, it will help you understand them better and make this transition period a little easier for all.
It is helpful to label your power cords when you are traveling. Most people travel with a lot of different electronic devices. Not all of them will need to be constantly plugged in, so many people invariably leave one of the cords behind. If you write your name and phone number on masking tape and wrap the tape around your power cord, you have a much better chance of getting it back.
Now you are much more prepared when it comes to traveling. You should now be more prepared for this trip and for future trips! Hopefully, the tips that were given gave you some advice that will help you get started with your traveling, so that you can begin traveling like a pro.
Pack an extra bag for dirty clothes. No one wants to pack their dirty unmentionables in with all their nice things. Pack a small, collapsible bag to pack dirty clothes in for the return trip. Alternatively, bring a garbage bag. You can wrap dirty clothes in the garbage bag to keep them separate from everything else.
Trust locals over the concierge. Unfortunately, many hotels and their concierge services have agreements with certain businesses to steer guests to them, regardless of whether or not it is in your best interest. Instead, scope out a place that looks like your style and ask other customers for additional recommendations.
To keep your travel arrangements within your budget, make them as far in advance as possible. Despite the many, many different things you can spend money on when you travel, virtually all of them have a common characteristic: They are cheaper the earlier you purchase them. By minimizing last-minute expenditures, you can make your travel stretch that much further.
Keep a photo journal of a beloved stuffed animal When traveling with kids, make great memories and an awesome souvenir by taking pictures of your child and the stuffed animal doing fun things throughout the trip. At home, you can collect all the pictures and make them into a photo adventure book to remember your trip.
Limit the amount of luggage you take on your trip to a carry-on bag. Luggage has a nasty habit of getting lost in airports. Even if it does not get lost, you often spend an annoying amount of time waiting for it to show up on the luggage carrousel. Limiting the luggage you take to a single carry-on bag will eliminate this problem entirely.
Call the airport ahead of time to receive your seat assignment. Without a seat assignment there is a chance that you might be bumped from a flight. If this happens, you could find yourself stuck in the terminal waiting for the next flight. This could take several hours.
If you are packing for a cruise, don't buy anything new for the trip. This is because most cruises today will allow you to remain in casual clothes even for dinner, and almost never require that you dress in black-tie formalwear. Whatever you currently own is most likely acceptable for the trip.
A simple way to save a bit of money on lodging at the beach is to take a room that is not a beach view room. If you are after the romance or have a strong desire to watch the ocean from your room or balcony, then opt for the beach view. However, if you are not as particular, you can put a few dollars in your pocket by taking a room not so in demand.
When you get back from a trip with a baby or toddler, do not expect them to be back to their schedule as usual the very next day. Children this age like to follow schedules and theirs was disrupted for some time. By realizing this, it will help you understand them better and make this transition period a little easier for all.
It is helpful to label your power cords when you are traveling. Most people travel with a lot of different electronic devices. Not all of them will need to be constantly plugged in, so many people invariably leave one of the cords behind. If you write your name and phone number on masking tape and wrap the tape around your power cord, you have a much better chance of getting it back.
Now you are much more prepared when it comes to traveling. You should now be more prepared for this trip and for future trips! Hopefully, the tips that were given gave you some advice that will help you get started with your traveling, so that you can begin traveling like a pro.
Coaching Sports During a Gap Year Abroad
The opportunity to coach abroad may well be of interest if you're keen to play a part in the athletic development of young people. This may be your chance to generate enthusiasm for the sport that you love and engage with impoverished communities in different parts of the world. You may even be interested in the type of sports projects outlined in this article.
Assisting In the Development Of Rugby In Ghana
The people of Ghana have a great passion for sport. The national football team has played in the World Cup on a number of occasions. A few years ago it was decided that local athletes should have the chance to represent their country in the bone crunching sport of rugby, and now, the development of young rugby players has been aided by gap year volunteers from across the world. You can play your part by identifying the stars of the future and helping to organise local rugby competitions.
Coaching Football In South Africa
If you have a developed interest in sports then you'll definitely have been impressed by the teams of South Africa. They've won the rugby and cricket world cups and have also competed successfully in world football competitions. You'll gain a true appreciation for the passion of the local people if you volunteer to coach abroad. You may come across children who spend hours playing football in the hope of emulating national hero's such as Lucas Radebe and Benni McCarthy. It may even be possible to build a sense of team spirit and enhance the skills of the players during your time in South Africa.
Training Netball Players In Ghana
It is fair to say the Ghanaian sports scene is dominated by men. However, the young girls living in this country have been inspired by the achievements of athletes such as Elizabeth Amolofo and Esther Dankwah. The youngsters have even started playing the popular sport of netball. Those of you who want to coach abroad may well be interested in enhancing the skills of the local school children. You may be surprised by their natural enthusiasm and eagerness to participate in teams.
Teaching Hockey In South Africa
Hockey is becoming increasingly popular among the students of South Africa. They enjoy the sense of excitement while competing against rival schools, however often the young players do not fully understand the importance of tactics or regular training. You can help by spending some time as a coach abroad. You will be able to teach the basic skills and help in the organisation of local tournaments. Of course you will be supported by local teachers and gap year specialists who will ensure you enjoy the full benefits of this opportunity and return home with plenty of wonderful memories.
Assisting In the Development Of Rugby In Ghana
The people of Ghana have a great passion for sport. The national football team has played in the World Cup on a number of occasions. A few years ago it was decided that local athletes should have the chance to represent their country in the bone crunching sport of rugby, and now, the development of young rugby players has been aided by gap year volunteers from across the world. You can play your part by identifying the stars of the future and helping to organise local rugby competitions.
Coaching Football In South Africa
If you have a developed interest in sports then you'll definitely have been impressed by the teams of South Africa. They've won the rugby and cricket world cups and have also competed successfully in world football competitions. You'll gain a true appreciation for the passion of the local people if you volunteer to coach abroad. You may come across children who spend hours playing football in the hope of emulating national hero's such as Lucas Radebe and Benni McCarthy. It may even be possible to build a sense of team spirit and enhance the skills of the players during your time in South Africa.
Training Netball Players In Ghana
It is fair to say the Ghanaian sports scene is dominated by men. However, the young girls living in this country have been inspired by the achievements of athletes such as Elizabeth Amolofo and Esther Dankwah. The youngsters have even started playing the popular sport of netball. Those of you who want to coach abroad may well be interested in enhancing the skills of the local school children. You may be surprised by their natural enthusiasm and eagerness to participate in teams.
Teaching Hockey In South Africa
Hockey is becoming increasingly popular among the students of South Africa. They enjoy the sense of excitement while competing against rival schools, however often the young players do not fully understand the importance of tactics or regular training. You can help by spending some time as a coach abroad. You will be able to teach the basic skills and help in the organisation of local tournaments. Of course you will be supported by local teachers and gap year specialists who will ensure you enjoy the full benefits of this opportunity and return home with plenty of wonderful memories.
Zip Line Photographs Make For Memorable Vacations
When traveling to a new place, even a new country, the best memories are made by the photos that we can later dig up. But when it comes to some activities, you know the more extreme ones while traveling like a zip line tour for example, capturing a photograph may not be the easiest or smartest thing to do. To help the many travelers asking to document their extreme sports, companies across the world are capitalizing on the use of high-speed cameras to capture the best moments on rides, tours, and other fast moving activities. After all, traditional tours can be so outdated to the more adventurous travelers. So, the question is, how do you capture the best moments on a zip line while traveling?
Thanks to the latest in laser technology, many companies have found that zip line photographs are easier than they think. And best of all, no photographer has to crawl up into the trees of the jungle to capture great shots. High speed camera systems can capture the best moments on your zip line tour with the help of a high-speed, long-distance rangefinder. These laser sensors take distance samples every 0.5 milliseconds so that when the zip line rider reaches the perfect spot, the high-speed camera is triggered and the photo is taken. Now just because you think of lasers as having a dangerous red light, this is not the case when eye-safe technology is used to protect human eyes in the process. No glasses or protective equipment is needed because it is all in the laser technology.
Distance measurement sensors are not just used to capture zip line photographs but any application in which you need to monitor the position of targets and objects. You can take the amusement park industry for example. While a very different application, they also make great use of laser measurement sensors to monitor the lines in theme parks. If you have ever waited in line for the best roller coaster, and chances are that you have if you also partake in zip line tours, then you understand how the high demand rides can put a damper on your day at the theme park. To help reduce lines and waiting, theme park professionals can determinate which rides have longer and shorter lines and help redirect the flow of human traffic.
No matter what extreme sport or entertainment is on your bucket list for your next vacation, check in with the different companies and see if they offer laser technology to capture photographs while you are in action.
Thanks to the latest in laser technology, many companies have found that zip line photographs are easier than they think. And best of all, no photographer has to crawl up into the trees of the jungle to capture great shots. High speed camera systems can capture the best moments on your zip line tour with the help of a high-speed, long-distance rangefinder. These laser sensors take distance samples every 0.5 milliseconds so that when the zip line rider reaches the perfect spot, the high-speed camera is triggered and the photo is taken. Now just because you think of lasers as having a dangerous red light, this is not the case when eye-safe technology is used to protect human eyes in the process. No glasses or protective equipment is needed because it is all in the laser technology.
Distance measurement sensors are not just used to capture zip line photographs but any application in which you need to monitor the position of targets and objects. You can take the amusement park industry for example. While a very different application, they also make great use of laser measurement sensors to monitor the lines in theme parks. If you have ever waited in line for the best roller coaster, and chances are that you have if you also partake in zip line tours, then you understand how the high demand rides can put a damper on your day at the theme park. To help reduce lines and waiting, theme park professionals can determinate which rides have longer and shorter lines and help redirect the flow of human traffic.
No matter what extreme sport or entertainment is on your bucket list for your next vacation, check in with the different companies and see if they offer laser technology to capture photographs while you are in action.
put the MBT Shoes shoe back
Huang Rong noticed Guo Jing’s left hand was still holding his shoe and could not stifled a laugh,
“Jing ge ge, put your shoe back on,” she said.
“Yes,” Guo Jing replied, and put the MBT Shoes shoe back on his left foot.
A thought suddenly came into Huang Yaoshi’s mind, “This kid is so young, yet his martial arts are
actually quite profound. Could it be that he is just MBT Shoes sale pretending to be a fool, but is in reality a very
intelligent person? If that’s the case, what would hinder me if I wanted to give my daughter to
him?” A faint smile appeared on his face and he said, “You are very good, why do you still call me
Island Master Huang?” What he was saying was, that MBT Shoes clearance since Guo Jing had won two out of three tests
then Guo Jing should call him ‘Father-in-law’.
Who would have thought that Guo Jing really did not have a clue as to what he was talking about,
so he only stammered, “I … I …” discount MBT Shoes his eyes looked at Huang Rong; asking for help. Huang Rong was
in seventh heaven; she bent her right thumb, signaling Guo Jing he should kowtow. Guo Jing
understood this signal, so he bent his knees and kowtowed four times to Huang Yaoshi, but he still
did not open his mouth to speak.
Huang Yaoshi smiled and asked, “What do you kowtow to me for?”
“Rong’er told me to,” Guo Jing MBT answered honestly.
Huang Yaoshi sighed silently, “A dumb kid is a dumb kid,” he thought. Extending his hand he took
the silk handkerchiefs from Ouyang Ke’s ears, and gave his decision. “Regarding internal energy,
Nephew Guo is stronger; MBT Shoes discontinued but my test subject was music knowledge, in which Nephew Ouyang is
much better … Let’s just say that the second test was a draw. I am going to present the third subject
and let the two Nephews decide victory or defeat.”
“Jing ge ge, put your shoe back on,” she said.
“Yes,” Guo Jing replied, and put the MBT Shoes shoe back on his left foot.
A thought suddenly came into Huang Yaoshi’s mind, “This kid is so young, yet his martial arts are
actually quite profound. Could it be that he is just MBT Shoes sale pretending to be a fool, but is in reality a very
intelligent person? If that’s the case, what would hinder me if I wanted to give my daughter to
him?” A faint smile appeared on his face and he said, “You are very good, why do you still call me
Island Master Huang?” What he was saying was, that MBT Shoes clearance since Guo Jing had won two out of three tests
then Guo Jing should call him ‘Father-in-law’.
Who would have thought that Guo Jing really did not have a clue as to what he was talking about,
so he only stammered, “I … I …” discount MBT Shoes his eyes looked at Huang Rong; asking for help. Huang Rong was
in seventh heaven; she bent her right thumb, signaling Guo Jing he should kowtow. Guo Jing
understood this signal, so he bent his knees and kowtowed four times to Huang Yaoshi, but he still
did not open his mouth to speak.
Huang Yaoshi smiled and asked, “What do you kowtow to me for?”
“Rong’er told me to,” Guo Jing MBT answered honestly.
Huang Yaoshi sighed silently, “A dumb kid is a dumb kid,” he thought. Extending his hand he took
the silk handkerchiefs from Ouyang Ke’s ears, and gave his decision. “Regarding internal energy,
Nephew Guo is stronger; MBT Shoes discontinued but my test subject was music knowledge, in which Nephew Ouyang is
much better … Let’s just say that the second test was a draw. I am going to present the third subject
and let the two Nephews decide victory or defeat.”
Disney Land - Smart Ways To Family Reunions At Disneyland
If you looking for to family reunions. You can carry the two whole by having your family reunion at the happiest place on earth. It is absolutely easier than you might expect to arrange this!
Start by calling the Disneyland Holiday Planning Assistance Branch. Let them help you book rooms at the Resort hotels, and admission tickets to the park. You should be competent to get discounts on the tickets by purchasing them in bulk.
The specific aid that you require to accommodate all of your family members is the Happiest Place on Earth Picnic. This assistance is offered stage round, and includes admission to the park for your whole party. You also get a selection of fully catered meals for the happening. For 100 - 300 persons, your event can be held at Big Thunder Ranch. For 300 - 1000 persons, the event desire be held at the Festival Ground.
If there are less than 100 people in your party, you may not be proper for the providing help. This is at the sole prudence of Disneyland, and you disposition want to consult on this with Visitor Services or the Planning Services Departments. If catering is not accessible, reservations in the many restaurants can be made instead.
You may be able to get a reduce on your family member's rooms at the Resorts as agreeably, if you book well in advance, hold your event during the off occasion, and book a block of rooms. Airline tickets for those who will need to fly to Disneyland should also be purchased well in advance, and in bulk for variant discounts.
Again, allow Disneyland Vacation Planning Services to help you with the preparations, and use a travel deputy to handle any arrangements that planning help doesn't cover. For best results, select one family member to work with the planning assistance and the travel agent, and telecast intelligence back and forth between the services and the family members. Having one person collecting and sharing information will cut down on a great deal of disarray and misinformation when you are trying to shape travel arrangements for a great number of people.
It may take work and planning, but in the end, this will be one family reunion that will never be forgotten. Talk with the Vacation Planning Services Department to find out what other services are accessible to make this an even other specific participation for you and your family members. The Surprise services would be a nice touch!
Start by calling the Disneyland Holiday Planning Assistance Branch. Let them help you book rooms at the Resort hotels, and admission tickets to the park. You should be competent to get discounts on the tickets by purchasing them in bulk.
The specific aid that you require to accommodate all of your family members is the Happiest Place on Earth Picnic. This assistance is offered stage round, and includes admission to the park for your whole party. You also get a selection of fully catered meals for the happening. For 100 - 300 persons, your event can be held at Big Thunder Ranch. For 300 - 1000 persons, the event desire be held at the Festival Ground.
If there are less than 100 people in your party, you may not be proper for the providing help. This is at the sole prudence of Disneyland, and you disposition want to consult on this with Visitor Services or the Planning Services Departments. If catering is not accessible, reservations in the many restaurants can be made instead.
You may be able to get a reduce on your family member's rooms at the Resorts as agreeably, if you book well in advance, hold your event during the off occasion, and book a block of rooms. Airline tickets for those who will need to fly to Disneyland should also be purchased well in advance, and in bulk for variant discounts.
Again, allow Disneyland Vacation Planning Services to help you with the preparations, and use a travel deputy to handle any arrangements that planning help doesn't cover. For best results, select one family member to work with the planning assistance and the travel agent, and telecast intelligence back and forth between the services and the family members. Having one person collecting and sharing information will cut down on a great deal of disarray and misinformation when you are trying to shape travel arrangements for a great number of people.
It may take work and planning, but in the end, this will be one family reunion that will never be forgotten. Talk with the Vacation Planning Services Department to find out what other services are accessible to make this an even other specific participation for you and your family members. The Surprise services would be a nice touch!
Al Michaels - Is Al Michaels Still The Best Nfl Play-By-Play Announcer?
When ABC “traded” Al Michaels to NBC this off-season to be their number one play-by-play announcer for their new Sunday night NFL football package, it became clear that he is still perceived to be the best play-by-play announcer in the business. However, is that perception still a reality?
Michaels began his career back in 1986 on ABC’s Monday Night Football, where he remained until switching to NBC for the 2006 season. While at ABC, Michaels was part of several broadcast teams including the likes of Dan Dierdorf and Frank Gifford, Boomer Esiason, Dennis Miller and Dan Fouts, and most recently John Madden. Despite the frequent changes, Michaels always remained because of his innate ability to convey an array of information to the casual viewer.
With NBC’s recent signing of Michaels and John Madden to man their Sunday Night NFL booth, it shows that Michaels is still the most sought after announcer in the business. NBC decided to woo Michaels over Fox and CBS lead play-by-play announcers Joe Buck and Jim Nantz respectively, as well as veterans Dick Enberg and Mike Patrick, and newcomers Kevin Harlan and Gus Johnson..
The amazing thing about Michaels (and probably the reason why NBC chose him) is that he is nearly flawless. He rarely misses a call, is always up to date with the latest news, knows the rules, and adds just enough humor. His only real “flaw” may be his desire to mix in references to the point spread and over/under of games despite the fact that the NFL would rather he not.
Of those mentioned above, Buck, Harlan and Johnson have talent but are still too raw, while Enberg is on the tail end of his career. Both Jim Nantz and Mike Patrick can certainly make their cases as the best play-by-play announcer in the sport.
Nantz (paired with Phil Simms) likely was not targeted because of his value to CBS as a college basketball announcer. I doubt that CBS would likely let him go, at least not without a fight. Michaels on the other hand, did not have an NFL job with ABC after MNF moved to ESPN. His only job on ABC was with the NBA, something he wasn’t particularly good at.
With Sunday Night Football moving to NBC, Mike Patrick was left out of the NFL, which is an absolute travesty. Patrick, who will now work College Football for ESPN, handled the ESPN Sunday Night booth with Joe Theisman and Paul Maguire with phenomenal skill. Theisman and Maguire would often engage in pointless arguments and make erroneous statements, and Patrick was able to pull it all together into a somewhat presentable booth. His abilities were most recognizable when he missed time in the 2004 season and was replaced by Pat Summerall for a few games. Those broadcasts were absolutely unwatchable. It is likely that he wasn’t considered for the NBC job because he didn’t come packaged with a respectable partner (like Michaels does with Madden) and because he doesn’t have the name recognition of Michaels. Both reasons are understandable, but make no mistake his skills are on par with Michaels.
In an industry with remarkable turnover and constant competition, Michaels has remained at the top of his field for nearly twenty years, as evidenced by his new deal with NBC. This is a testament to his dedication and work ethic in an extremely difficult and demanding industry.
Michaels began his career back in 1986 on ABC’s Monday Night Football, where he remained until switching to NBC for the 2006 season. While at ABC, Michaels was part of several broadcast teams including the likes of Dan Dierdorf and Frank Gifford, Boomer Esiason, Dennis Miller and Dan Fouts, and most recently John Madden. Despite the frequent changes, Michaels always remained because of his innate ability to convey an array of information to the casual viewer.
With NBC’s recent signing of Michaels and John Madden to man their Sunday Night NFL booth, it shows that Michaels is still the most sought after announcer in the business. NBC decided to woo Michaels over Fox and CBS lead play-by-play announcers Joe Buck and Jim Nantz respectively, as well as veterans Dick Enberg and Mike Patrick, and newcomers Kevin Harlan and Gus Johnson..
The amazing thing about Michaels (and probably the reason why NBC chose him) is that he is nearly flawless. He rarely misses a call, is always up to date with the latest news, knows the rules, and adds just enough humor. His only real “flaw” may be his desire to mix in references to the point spread and over/under of games despite the fact that the NFL would rather he not.
Of those mentioned above, Buck, Harlan and Johnson have talent but are still too raw, while Enberg is on the tail end of his career. Both Jim Nantz and Mike Patrick can certainly make their cases as the best play-by-play announcer in the sport.
Nantz (paired with Phil Simms) likely was not targeted because of his value to CBS as a college basketball announcer. I doubt that CBS would likely let him go, at least not without a fight. Michaels on the other hand, did not have an NFL job with ABC after MNF moved to ESPN. His only job on ABC was with the NBA, something he wasn’t particularly good at.
With Sunday Night Football moving to NBC, Mike Patrick was left out of the NFL, which is an absolute travesty. Patrick, who will now work College Football for ESPN, handled the ESPN Sunday Night booth with Joe Theisman and Paul Maguire with phenomenal skill. Theisman and Maguire would often engage in pointless arguments and make erroneous statements, and Patrick was able to pull it all together into a somewhat presentable booth. His abilities were most recognizable when he missed time in the 2004 season and was replaced by Pat Summerall for a few games. Those broadcasts were absolutely unwatchable. It is likely that he wasn’t considered for the NBC job because he didn’t come packaged with a respectable partner (like Michaels does with Madden) and because he doesn’t have the name recognition of Michaels. Both reasons are understandable, but make no mistake his skills are on par with Michaels.
In an industry with remarkable turnover and constant competition, Michaels has remained at the top of his field for nearly twenty years, as evidenced by his new deal with NBC. This is a testament to his dedication and work ethic in an extremely difficult and demanding industry.
Keith Jackson - Older Announcers Need To Know When To Call It Quits
Deciding when to retire from something you love has to be a difficult decision. Whether you are an athlete, business owner, architect, writer, or sports announcer, the decision to walk away from a life that has defined you for nearly half a decade is certainly not an easy one. That said, no one wants to be the one who is holding on to a position that they are no longer good at, especially in a field that has superior talent waiting in the wings.
Unfortunately there seems to be a trend of those kind of guys in sports casting – guys that don’t adequately do their jobs but just can’t seem to let go, yet are still working because of their reputation, not their current skill (or lack thereof).
The best sports announcers enhance the viewers’ experience. They can take an ordinary game and make it entertaining. They can take a great game and turn it into one of the most memorable moments in history (Al Michaels and his “Miracle on Ice” call “Do you believe in Miracles...YES!” falls into that category).
Good sports announcers give a completely neutral experience – they neither enhance nor detract from the moment. They do their jobs but don’t give you that extra something special.
Bad announcers on the other hand, can turn the focus of a great game to themselves and their incompetence. A blatantly missed call or a palpably false statement frustrates fans and makes them wonder how they still have a job. Fortunately, most bad announcers don’t last very long. But what happens when a great announcer goes bad in old age? Should he be forced to retire or should fans be mercilessly exposed to their ineptitude for years until they decide to leave on their terms?
Keith Jackson is the pre-eminent example of this. Jackson announced his retirement from college football announcing at the end of the 1998, with his last broadcast to have been the 1999 Fiesta Bowl for the National Championship between Tennessee and Florida State. This was the proper decision. At this point he was still revered as the greatest college football announcer ever.
However, he changed his mind the following fall and now does a more limited schedule of games almost exclusively on the West Coast. This past January, Jackson showed how far he has eroded during the National Championship Game between USC and Texas. The game was one of the greatest college football games of all time. Did Jackson enhance the experience as he would have years ago? No. Instead he did the exact opposite. He managed to turn the attention to his own inability to perform his job during a great game.
He brought a lifeless energy, coupled with a series of bloopers and missed calls and a puzzling silence as Vince Young crossed the goal line for the game winning touchdown. He also missed a knee down on a lateral play, which he later attributed to difficulty seeing through his binoculars!
If legends like Jackson and John Madden won’t willingly step down on their own, the networks are going to have to make the difficult decision to let them go. There are too many capable play-by-play announcers out there to let these guys continue to ruin broadcasts. I know it will be hard to do, but your audience will thank you.
Unfortunately there seems to be a trend of those kind of guys in sports casting – guys that don’t adequately do their jobs but just can’t seem to let go, yet are still working because of their reputation, not their current skill (or lack thereof).
The best sports announcers enhance the viewers’ experience. They can take an ordinary game and make it entertaining. They can take a great game and turn it into one of the most memorable moments in history (Al Michaels and his “Miracle on Ice” call “Do you believe in Miracles...YES!” falls into that category).
Good sports announcers give a completely neutral experience – they neither enhance nor detract from the moment. They do their jobs but don’t give you that extra something special.
Bad announcers on the other hand, can turn the focus of a great game to themselves and their incompetence. A blatantly missed call or a palpably false statement frustrates fans and makes them wonder how they still have a job. Fortunately, most bad announcers don’t last very long. But what happens when a great announcer goes bad in old age? Should he be forced to retire or should fans be mercilessly exposed to their ineptitude for years until they decide to leave on their terms?
Keith Jackson is the pre-eminent example of this. Jackson announced his retirement from college football announcing at the end of the 1998, with his last broadcast to have been the 1999 Fiesta Bowl for the National Championship between Tennessee and Florida State. This was the proper decision. At this point he was still revered as the greatest college football announcer ever.
However, he changed his mind the following fall and now does a more limited schedule of games almost exclusively on the West Coast. This past January, Jackson showed how far he has eroded during the National Championship Game between USC and Texas. The game was one of the greatest college football games of all time. Did Jackson enhance the experience as he would have years ago? No. Instead he did the exact opposite. He managed to turn the attention to his own inability to perform his job during a great game.
He brought a lifeless energy, coupled with a series of bloopers and missed calls and a puzzling silence as Vince Young crossed the goal line for the game winning touchdown. He also missed a knee down on a lateral play, which he later attributed to difficulty seeing through his binoculars!
If legends like Jackson and John Madden won’t willingly step down on their own, the networks are going to have to make the difficult decision to let them go. There are too many capable play-by-play announcers out there to let these guys continue to ruin broadcasts. I know it will be hard to do, but your audience will thank you.
Golf Clubs - The Right Golf Gear For The Game
When you are gearing up for that first school experience, there is one thing that you do not want to be without: the perfect bags. Gear bags are not only essential in that they hold your clubs, shoes, and other accessories, they are also, like any other type of luggage, a reflection of your individual tastes, style, and personality. Some people carry very little in their bags, while others like to show up for their school lessons with an extra set of clubs, four bottles of water, two pairs of shoes, four towels, and a first aid kit. This is why taking the time to discover which type of carrying case is right for you is so important.
For those who prefer a walking game, there are several lightweight models and designs available that are strong and user friendly. These are designed to carry just the basics, and allow for the versatility of a walking game with the ability to carry clubs with greater ease. The style you choose can be anything from a basic, no frills color scheme, to a bright, bouncy hue, although you should keep in mind that while on the fairway, austere colors are really considered to be more par for the course, particularly for the professionals and those who aspire to become professionals.
For those who know that you prefer a cart, then you will want to find one that is specially designed for this purpose, i.e. to fit securely in the cart without tipping over. In this case, the weight of the bag does not matter as much, since you will not be carrying it around on your back, but it is usually a good idea to carry a small, lightweight carry style bag for just the bare essentials so that you will not have to drive your cart to every hole.
The lucky ones have caddies to carry their gear for them, but for most of us, while at school and otherwise, do not have this privilege. If you do, then the weight is not an issue unless you notice that your caddie is having trouble lifting it. Otherwise, remember that even if your bag is strapped to your cart, and especially if you choose a carry bag for your walking game, less is always more.
Last, but not least, price is always a factor. Though it goes without saying that the more money you spend, the more special features and customization options your bag will likely have, but remember, it is not a direct part of your game, its just an accessory to enhance your game presence and keep you from having to carry an armload of clubs across the course.
For those who prefer a walking game, there are several lightweight models and designs available that are strong and user friendly. These are designed to carry just the basics, and allow for the versatility of a walking game with the ability to carry clubs with greater ease. The style you choose can be anything from a basic, no frills color scheme, to a bright, bouncy hue, although you should keep in mind that while on the fairway, austere colors are really considered to be more par for the course, particularly for the professionals and those who aspire to become professionals.
For those who know that you prefer a cart, then you will want to find one that is specially designed for this purpose, i.e. to fit securely in the cart without tipping over. In this case, the weight of the bag does not matter as much, since you will not be carrying it around on your back, but it is usually a good idea to carry a small, lightweight carry style bag for just the bare essentials so that you will not have to drive your cart to every hole.
The lucky ones have caddies to carry their gear for them, but for most of us, while at school and otherwise, do not have this privilege. If you do, then the weight is not an issue unless you notice that your caddie is having trouble lifting it. Otherwise, remember that even if your bag is strapped to your cart, and especially if you choose a carry bag for your walking game, less is always more.
Last, but not least, price is always a factor. Though it goes without saying that the more money you spend, the more special features and customization options your bag will likely have, but remember, it is not a direct part of your game, its just an accessory to enhance your game presence and keep you from having to carry an armload of clubs across the course.
Golf Schools - Choosing A Golf School Thats Best For You
The truth is that when it comes to choosing education, there are a lot of options available, and each one claims to be the best, which can make it hard to decide, especially if you have never attended one before. This article will focus on tips to help you make this important choice.
The faculty is an important factor to consider, since they are the ones that ultimately shape your experience. Many top instructors have achieved their own personal brand recognition, and taking the time to educate yourself about the different faculty members, including their PGA or LPGA membership status and career bios will go a long way towards helping you decide if a particular school is right for you. Another thing to think about is whether or not you would prefer to have private or group instruction, and how well the education that you are considering can accommodate your preferences.
The campus itself should play a major part in your decision, particularly the facilities and any extracurricular activities offered. A truly stellar institution will incorporate lodging in its course packages as well. Whether you prefer a secluded mountain retreat style atmosphere or somewhere near a city with an active nightlife, you can find an academy that meets your needs with a little research and planning. Your personal learning style and method should be taken into account when making a decision as well, since some schools are more geared towards high tech or high touch, or other types of learning styles, while others are equipped to handle all learning styles or combinations thereof.
When your instruction is complete, what will your next step be? You have probably heard that instruction today is focused on specialization, which is why it is important to talk with a representative of the different academies that you are considering to learn more about their philosophy and also, communicate your specific needs and areas of game specialization, i.e. driving, short game, iron play, etc. before you sign up. Daily practice is also a factor to consider, since you will naturally want to practice between instruction sessions. Find out if the instruction you are considering includes the price of daily rounds in its instruction packages, or whether you will be charged extra for this.
Choosing the right instruction does not have to be difficult and it should not. Do your homework, weigh your options, and you will be well on your way to a fulfilling and productive instructional experience.
The faculty is an important factor to consider, since they are the ones that ultimately shape your experience. Many top instructors have achieved their own personal brand recognition, and taking the time to educate yourself about the different faculty members, including their PGA or LPGA membership status and career bios will go a long way towards helping you decide if a particular school is right for you. Another thing to think about is whether or not you would prefer to have private or group instruction, and how well the education that you are considering can accommodate your preferences.
The campus itself should play a major part in your decision, particularly the facilities and any extracurricular activities offered. A truly stellar institution will incorporate lodging in its course packages as well. Whether you prefer a secluded mountain retreat style atmosphere or somewhere near a city with an active nightlife, you can find an academy that meets your needs with a little research and planning. Your personal learning style and method should be taken into account when making a decision as well, since some schools are more geared towards high tech or high touch, or other types of learning styles, while others are equipped to handle all learning styles or combinations thereof.
When your instruction is complete, what will your next step be? You have probably heard that instruction today is focused on specialization, which is why it is important to talk with a representative of the different academies that you are considering to learn more about their philosophy and also, communicate your specific needs and areas of game specialization, i.e. driving, short game, iron play, etc. before you sign up. Daily practice is also a factor to consider, since you will naturally want to practice between instruction sessions. Find out if the instruction you are considering includes the price of daily rounds in its instruction packages, or whether you will be charged extra for this.
Choosing the right instruction does not have to be difficult and it should not. Do your homework, weigh your options, and you will be well on your way to a fulfilling and productive instructional experience.
Fancy Dress Costumes - Macabre Fancy Dress Costumes
Just because Halloween is over it doesn't mean that it's time to give up the fancy dress costumes. Whether you want an extra kick when you head out to the bars or you just feel like giving your friends or co-workers a surprise, think about slipping into a costume that is as over the top or a subtle as you like. Whether you choose to restrict yourself to a blue wig bob, or you'd like to go all out with fancy dress costumes and get your friends to go to the bar as the cast from Pirates of the Caribbean, there are plenty of ways that you can avoid looking boring and normal.
When it comes to fancy dress costumes, you'd be surprised at how little it takes to get people interested. People love to dress up, and sometimes the scarier the better. You might find that your meekest friend loves to vamp it up in a Rocky Horror Picture Show costume, or that a tomboy of your acquaintance enjoys nothing more than outfitting herself in 1950s chic. However, one of the best ways to get your friends to explore their more elegant and fantastic side is to keep things a little bit spooky. Halloween can actually be every day if you put a little bit of effort into it, or at least it can be a great way to get everyone up and excited.
If you're thinking about fancy dress costumes, think about going down a macabre path. Put everyone into black and the trick them out accordingly. You can go with an elegant, wistful romantic look, or you can put a black vinyl coat over a sleek black ensemble and go as a refuge from a terrifying cyberpunk society. This is one of the best way get your friends to dress up and have a great time with it. A theme like "gothic" or "futuristic" will help your group's sensibilities hang together
Remember that if you are organizing an opportunity for your friends to go all out, you should spare no expenses yourself. Find a costume that's cute or dramatic, whatever your style happens to be, and wear it with pride. Getting caught up in things is definitely worth it, so make sure that you really throw yourself into it. Fancy dress costumes are best worn by someone with a little bit of attitude and a whole lot of willingness to have fun, so make sure that when you are in a position to do so that you really get into what you are doing.
When it comes to fancy dress costumes, you'd be surprised at how little it takes to get people interested. People love to dress up, and sometimes the scarier the better. You might find that your meekest friend loves to vamp it up in a Rocky Horror Picture Show costume, or that a tomboy of your acquaintance enjoys nothing more than outfitting herself in 1950s chic. However, one of the best ways to get your friends to explore their more elegant and fantastic side is to keep things a little bit spooky. Halloween can actually be every day if you put a little bit of effort into it, or at least it can be a great way to get everyone up and excited.
If you're thinking about fancy dress costumes, think about going down a macabre path. Put everyone into black and the trick them out accordingly. You can go with an elegant, wistful romantic look, or you can put a black vinyl coat over a sleek black ensemble and go as a refuge from a terrifying cyberpunk society. This is one of the best way get your friends to dress up and have a great time with it. A theme like "gothic" or "futuristic" will help your group's sensibilities hang together
Remember that if you are organizing an opportunity for your friends to go all out, you should spare no expenses yourself. Find a costume that's cute or dramatic, whatever your style happens to be, and wear it with pride. Getting caught up in things is definitely worth it, so make sure that you really throw yourself into it. Fancy dress costumes are best worn by someone with a little bit of attitude and a whole lot of willingness to have fun, so make sure that when you are in a position to do so that you really get into what you are doing.
Skin Care - Spa Glossary - A To Z
Know the difference between acupuncture and acupressure? How about Shiatsu and Watsu? The spa world is filled with a dizzying collection of terms and procedures. Following is a sample glossary, thanks to Spa Finder, to help spa-goers speak and understand the lingo with ease.
Used to stimulate the flow of energy in the body, acupressure is a traditional Chinese pressure-point massage.
Administered using needles, a low-voltage electric current, or acupressure, acupuncture is a traditional Chinese healing technique based on Taoist philosophy.
Body Wrap
Herbal body wraps cover the client in a cocoon-like form with strips of cloth soaked in herbal teas. Sea mud body wraps use mineral essential-rich mud to cleanse and hydrate the body.
Complementary medicine
Unlike alternative medicine which replaces traditional therapies, complementary medicine uses treatments and therapies in conjunction with traditional medicine.
Destination Spa
Property that focuses on improving one's lifestyle, enhancing health, and creating self-renewal in the company of other like-minded people.
European Facial
A treatment that includes deep cleansing, steam, exfoliation, and a professional face massage, followed by a mask that hydrates the skin.
The buzzword that describes a concern with, or promotion of, environmentalism through recycling, creation of biogradable products, or reducing pollution.
Hot Stone Therapy
A treatment in which dark, smooth stones are heated in hot water and then placed or stroked lightly on key areas of the body.
The International Spa Association, which represents all aspects of the spa industry.
Lymph Drainage
A type of massage meant to stimulate circulation in the lymph system to drain away excess fluids and trapped toxins.
Medical Spa
These are destination or day spas that offer traditional and complementary medical services including cosmetic procedures, diagnostic testing, and preventative care.
Food grown without the use of chemicals of any kind, including growth hormones, pesticides, and fertilizers.
Developed by Joseph Pilates, this is a body conditioning program that develops flexibility and strength through controlled movements and specially-designed exercise equipment.
Qi Gong (or Chi Gung or Chi Kung)
A group of Chinese self-healing exercises, the term Qi Gong comes from qi (energy) and gong (achievement that comes from practice). The exercises include simple movements, breathing, and mental imagery to relax and strengthen the body and mind.
Salt Glow
Used to exfoliate and stimulate circulation, skin is rubbed with coarse salt combined with fragrant oils.
This massage technique developed in Japan uses applied pressure to specific body points to stimulate and unblock meridians, or pathways through which energy is said to flow.
Thai Massage
With a client dressed in full clothing, this treatment involves yoga-like stretching and pressure-point massage to release blocked energy, relieve tension, and increase awareness.
Vichy Shower
Meant to hydrate the body and improve circulation, the Vichy shower was inspired by treatments in the French thermal spa city. It involves a client lying beneath a spray of warm water created by a five- to seven-head shower system.
This treatment achieves deep relaxation in the client through rhythmic movements and a pressure-point massage administered by a therapist in a warm pool.
Aimed at self-development and self-realization, the physical practice of yoga uses positions, deep breathing, and meditation to stretch and tone the body.
A school of Mahayana Buddhism that asserts enlightenment can be achieved through meditation, self-contemplation, and intuition by focusing on one's essential nature.
Used to stimulate the flow of energy in the body, acupressure is a traditional Chinese pressure-point massage.
Administered using needles, a low-voltage electric current, or acupressure, acupuncture is a traditional Chinese healing technique based on Taoist philosophy.
Body Wrap
Herbal body wraps cover the client in a cocoon-like form with strips of cloth soaked in herbal teas. Sea mud body wraps use mineral essential-rich mud to cleanse and hydrate the body.
Complementary medicine
Unlike alternative medicine which replaces traditional therapies, complementary medicine uses treatments and therapies in conjunction with traditional medicine.
Destination Spa
Property that focuses on improving one's lifestyle, enhancing health, and creating self-renewal in the company of other like-minded people.
European Facial
A treatment that includes deep cleansing, steam, exfoliation, and a professional face massage, followed by a mask that hydrates the skin.
The buzzword that describes a concern with, or promotion of, environmentalism through recycling, creation of biogradable products, or reducing pollution.
Hot Stone Therapy
A treatment in which dark, smooth stones are heated in hot water and then placed or stroked lightly on key areas of the body.
The International Spa Association, which represents all aspects of the spa industry.
Lymph Drainage
A type of massage meant to stimulate circulation in the lymph system to drain away excess fluids and trapped toxins.
Medical Spa
These are destination or day spas that offer traditional and complementary medical services including cosmetic procedures, diagnostic testing, and preventative care.
Food grown without the use of chemicals of any kind, including growth hormones, pesticides, and fertilizers.
Developed by Joseph Pilates, this is a body conditioning program that develops flexibility and strength through controlled movements and specially-designed exercise equipment.
Qi Gong (or Chi Gung or Chi Kung)
A group of Chinese self-healing exercises, the term Qi Gong comes from qi (energy) and gong (achievement that comes from practice). The exercises include simple movements, breathing, and mental imagery to relax and strengthen the body and mind.
Salt Glow
Used to exfoliate and stimulate circulation, skin is rubbed with coarse salt combined with fragrant oils.
This massage technique developed in Japan uses applied pressure to specific body points to stimulate and unblock meridians, or pathways through which energy is said to flow.
Thai Massage
With a client dressed in full clothing, this treatment involves yoga-like stretching and pressure-point massage to release blocked energy, relieve tension, and increase awareness.
Vichy Shower
Meant to hydrate the body and improve circulation, the Vichy shower was inspired by treatments in the French thermal spa city. It involves a client lying beneath a spray of warm water created by a five- to seven-head shower system.
This treatment achieves deep relaxation in the client through rhythmic movements and a pressure-point massage administered by a therapist in a warm pool.
Aimed at self-development and self-realization, the physical practice of yoga uses positions, deep breathing, and meditation to stretch and tone the body.
A school of Mahayana Buddhism that asserts enlightenment can be achieved through meditation, self-contemplation, and intuition by focusing on one's essential nature.
I believe in Tim Tebow
Tim Tebow with Jacob Rainey, one of the many people dealing with health problems Tebow hosted at Broncos games this season.
I've come to believe in Tim Tebow, but not for what he does on a football field, which is still three parts Dr. Jekyll and two parts Mr. Hyde.
No, I've come to believe in Tim Tebow for what he does off a football field, which is represent the best parts of us, the parts I want to be and so rarely am.
Who among us is this selfless?
Every week, Tebow picks out someone who is suffering, or who is dying, or who is injured. He flies these people and their families to the Broncos game, rents them a car, puts them up in a nice hotel, buys them dinner (usually at a Dave & Buster's), gets them and their families pregame passes, visits with them just before kickoff (!), gets them 30-yard-line tickets down low, visits with them after the game (sometimes for an hour), has them walk him to his car, and sends them off with a basket of gifts.
Home or road, win or lose, hero or goat.
Remember last week, when the world was pulling its hair out in the hour after Tebow had stunned the Pittsburgh Steelers with an 80-yard OT touchdown pass to Demaryius Thomas in the playoffs? And Twitter was exploding with 9,420 tweets about Tebow per second? When an ESPN poll was naming him the most popular athlete in America?
Tebow was spending that hour talking to 16-year-old Bailey Knaub about her 73 surgeries so far and what TV shows she likes.
For Tim Tebow's take on being named America's most popular athlete, click here.
"Here he'd just played the game of his life," recalls Bailey's mother, Kathy, of Loveland, Colo., "and the first thing he does after his press conference is come find Bailey and ask, 'Did you get anything to eat?' He acted like what he'd just done wasn't anything, like it was all about Bailey."
More than that, Tebow kept corralling people into the room for Bailey to meet. Hey, Demaryius, come in here a minute. Hey, Mr. Elway. Hey, Coach Fox.
Even though sometimes-fatal Wegener's granulomatosis has left Bailey with only one lung, the attention took her breath away.
"It was the best day of my life," she emailed. "It was a bright star among very gloomy and difficult days. Tim Tebow gave me the greatest gift I could ever imagine. He gave me the strength for the future. I know now that I can face any obstacle placed in front of me. Tim taught me to never give up because at the end of the day, today might seem bleak but it can't rain forever and tomorrow is a new day, with new promises."
I read that email to Tebow, and he was honestly floored.
"Why me? Why should I inspire her?" he said. "I just don't feel, I don't know, adequate. Really, hearing her story inspires me."
It's not just NFL defenses that get Tebowed. It's high school girls who don't know whether they'll ever go to a prom. It's adults who can hardly stand. It's kids who will die soon.
For the game at Buffalo, it was Charlottesville, Va., blue-chip high school QB Jacob Rainey, who lost his leg after a freak tackle in a scrimmage. Tebow threw three interceptions in that Buffalo game and the Broncos were crushed 40-14.
"He walked in and took a big sigh and said, 'Well, that didn't go as planned,'" Rainey remembers. "Where I'm from, people wonder how sincere and genuine he is. But I think he's the most genuine person I've ever met."
There's not an ounce of artifice or phoniness or Hollywood in this kid Tebow, and I've looked everywhere for it.
Take 9-year-old Zac Taylor, a child who lives in constant pain. Immediately after Tebow shocked the Chicago Bears with a 13-10 comeback win, Tebow spent an hour with Zac and his family. At one point, Zac, who has 10 doctors, asked Tebow whether he has a secret prayer for hospital visits. Tebow whispered it in his ear. And because Tebow still needed to be checked out by the Broncos' team doctor, he took Zac in with him, but only after they had whispered it together.
And it's not always kids. Tom Driscoll, a 55-year-old who is dying of brain cancer at a hospice in Denver, was Tebow's guest for the Cincinnati game. "The doctors took some of my brain," Driscoll says, "so my short-term memory is kind of shot. But that day I'll never forget. Tim is such a good man."
This whole thing makes no football sense, of course. Most NFL players hardly talk to teammates before a game, much less visit with the sick and dying.
Isn't that a huge distraction?
Tim Tebow with Zac
Stephanie Taylor
Not everything Tim Tebow does on one knee is controversial. Ask Zac Taylor.
"Just the opposite," Tebow says. "It's by far the best thing I do to get myself ready. Here you are, about to play a game that the world says is the most important thing in the world. Win and they praise you. Lose and they crush you. And here I have a chance to talk to the coolest, most courageous people. It puts it all into perspective. The game doesn't really matter. I mean, I'll give 100 percent of my heart to win it, but in the end, the thing I most want to do is not win championships or make a lot of money, it's to invest in people's lives, to make a difference."
So that's it. I've given up giving up on him. I'm a 100 percent believer. Not in his arm. Not in his skills. I believe in his heart, his there-will-definitely-be-a-pony-under-the-tree optimism, the way his love pours into people, right up to their eyeballs, until they believe they can master the hopeless comeback, too.
Remember the QB who lost his leg, Jacob Rainey? He got his prosthetic leg a few weeks ago, and he wants to play high school football next season. Yes, tackle football. He'd be the first to do that on an above-the-knee amputation.
Hmmm. Wonder where he got that crazy idea?
"Tim told me to keep fighting, no matter what," Rainey says. "I am."
I've come to believe in Tim Tebow, but not for what he does on a football field, which is still three parts Dr. Jekyll and two parts Mr. Hyde.
No, I've come to believe in Tim Tebow for what he does off a football field, which is represent the best parts of us, the parts I want to be and so rarely am.
Who among us is this selfless?
Every week, Tebow picks out someone who is suffering, or who is dying, or who is injured. He flies these people and their families to the Broncos game, rents them a car, puts them up in a nice hotel, buys them dinner (usually at a Dave & Buster's), gets them and their families pregame passes, visits with them just before kickoff (!), gets them 30-yard-line tickets down low, visits with them after the game (sometimes for an hour), has them walk him to his car, and sends them off with a basket of gifts.
Home or road, win or lose, hero or goat.
Remember last week, when the world was pulling its hair out in the hour after Tebow had stunned the Pittsburgh Steelers with an 80-yard OT touchdown pass to Demaryius Thomas in the playoffs? And Twitter was exploding with 9,420 tweets about Tebow per second? When an ESPN poll was naming him the most popular athlete in America?
Tebow was spending that hour talking to 16-year-old Bailey Knaub about her 73 surgeries so far and what TV shows she likes.
For Tim Tebow's take on being named America's most popular athlete, click here.
"Here he'd just played the game of his life," recalls Bailey's mother, Kathy, of Loveland, Colo., "and the first thing he does after his press conference is come find Bailey and ask, 'Did you get anything to eat?' He acted like what he'd just done wasn't anything, like it was all about Bailey."
More than that, Tebow kept corralling people into the room for Bailey to meet. Hey, Demaryius, come in here a minute. Hey, Mr. Elway. Hey, Coach Fox.
Even though sometimes-fatal Wegener's granulomatosis has left Bailey with only one lung, the attention took her breath away.
"It was the best day of my life," she emailed. "It was a bright star among very gloomy and difficult days. Tim Tebow gave me the greatest gift I could ever imagine. He gave me the strength for the future. I know now that I can face any obstacle placed in front of me. Tim taught me to never give up because at the end of the day, today might seem bleak but it can't rain forever and tomorrow is a new day, with new promises."
I read that email to Tebow, and he was honestly floored.
"Why me? Why should I inspire her?" he said. "I just don't feel, I don't know, adequate. Really, hearing her story inspires me."
It's not just NFL defenses that get Tebowed. It's high school girls who don't know whether they'll ever go to a prom. It's adults who can hardly stand. It's kids who will die soon.
For the game at Buffalo, it was Charlottesville, Va., blue-chip high school QB Jacob Rainey, who lost his leg after a freak tackle in a scrimmage. Tebow threw three interceptions in that Buffalo game and the Broncos were crushed 40-14.
"He walked in and took a big sigh and said, 'Well, that didn't go as planned,'" Rainey remembers. "Where I'm from, people wonder how sincere and genuine he is. But I think he's the most genuine person I've ever met."
There's not an ounce of artifice or phoniness or Hollywood in this kid Tebow, and I've looked everywhere for it.
Take 9-year-old Zac Taylor, a child who lives in constant pain. Immediately after Tebow shocked the Chicago Bears with a 13-10 comeback win, Tebow spent an hour with Zac and his family. At one point, Zac, who has 10 doctors, asked Tebow whether he has a secret prayer for hospital visits. Tebow whispered it in his ear. And because Tebow still needed to be checked out by the Broncos' team doctor, he took Zac in with him, but only after they had whispered it together.
And it's not always kids. Tom Driscoll, a 55-year-old who is dying of brain cancer at a hospice in Denver, was Tebow's guest for the Cincinnati game. "The doctors took some of my brain," Driscoll says, "so my short-term memory is kind of shot. But that day I'll never forget. Tim is such a good man."
This whole thing makes no football sense, of course. Most NFL players hardly talk to teammates before a game, much less visit with the sick and dying.
Isn't that a huge distraction?
Tim Tebow with Zac
Stephanie Taylor
Not everything Tim Tebow does on one knee is controversial. Ask Zac Taylor.
"Just the opposite," Tebow says. "It's by far the best thing I do to get myself ready. Here you are, about to play a game that the world says is the most important thing in the world. Win and they praise you. Lose and they crush you. And here I have a chance to talk to the coolest, most courageous people. It puts it all into perspective. The game doesn't really matter. I mean, I'll give 100 percent of my heart to win it, but in the end, the thing I most want to do is not win championships or make a lot of money, it's to invest in people's lives, to make a difference."
So that's it. I've given up giving up on him. I'm a 100 percent believer. Not in his arm. Not in his skills. I believe in his heart, his there-will-definitely-be-a-pony-under-the-tree optimism, the way his love pours into people, right up to their eyeballs, until they believe they can master the hopeless comeback, too.
Remember the QB who lost his leg, Jacob Rainey? He got his prosthetic leg a few weeks ago, and he wants to play high school football next season. Yes, tackle football. He'd be the first to do that on an above-the-knee amputation.
Hmmm. Wonder where he got that crazy idea?
"Tim told me to keep fighting, no matter what," Rainey says. "I am."
Joe Paterno's true legacy
Adam Taliaferro and Joe Paterno in 2010, 10 years after the player and coach had formed a strong bond in the wake of Taliaferro's horrifying spinal cord injury.
Maybe you will never be convinced Joe Paterno was a good man who made one catastrophic mistake, but do you have time for just one story?
In 2000, Penn State freshman defensive back Adam Taliaferro had his spine crushed when tackling an Ohio State player. He lay on that September field paralyzed and panicked.
The first person he saw when he opened his eyes was Paterno, who died Sunday at 85.
"He could see I was losing it, but his eyes stayed totally calm," Taliaferro remembers. "And I remember that familiar, high-pitched voice, going, 'You're gonna get through this, Kid. You're gonna be OK.' And I just trusted him. I believed it."
Taliaferro wound up in a hospital bed in Philadelphia, everything frozen solid below the neck. Doctors said he had about a 3 percent chance of walking again. And every other week, Paterno would fly to Philly to see him.
"He'd bring our trainer and a couple of my teammates," Taliaferro says. "Nobody in the hospital knew he was there." Paterno would tell him all the dumb things his teammates and coaches had done lately. Pretty soon, Taliaferro would be laughing his IVs out.
"I can't tell you what that meant to me," says Taliaferro, now 30. "I'm stuck in that hospital, and here's Coach Paterno bringing a piece of the team to me, in the middle of the season. How many coaches would do that?"
Paterno and Taliaferro
For more of Adam Taliaferro's memories of Joe Paterno, click here.
One midnight, Taliaferro moved a toe and the first person his dad called was Paterno. His dad held the phone to Adam's ear and Paterno said, "You're gonna prove 'em all wrong, Kid!"
From then on, every visit, Paterno wanted to see Taliaferro move something new. "I got to where I wanted to be ready. A finger, a hand, whatever. I wanted to perform for Coach Paterno."
One day, five months into it, Paterno walked in and said, "What's new, Kid?" Taliaferro swung his legs over the bed, stood and extended his hand to shake.
"I'll never forget his eyes," he says. "They were already huge behind those Coke-bottle glasses, but they got even bigger." Paterno gave him a 10-second hug and then said, "Kid, ya make me proud."
A man is more than his failings.
I learned a lot about Paterno when I wrote a story about him in 1986 for Sports Illustrated. I've learned a lot about him since. He was a humble, funny and giving man who was unlike any other coach I ever met in college football. He rolled up his pants to save on dry cleaning bills. He lived in the same simple ranch house for the last 45 years. Same glasses, same wife, same job, for most of his adult life.
He was a man who had two national championships, five undefeated seasons, and yet for years he drove a white Ford Tempo. In 46 years as a head coach, he never had a single major NCAA violation.
He was the only coach I've ever known who went to the board of trustees to demand they increase entrance requirements, who went to faculty club meetings to hear the lectures, who listened to opera while drawing up game plans.
He was a Depression kid who wouldn't allow stars on helmets or names on jerseys. And he hated expensive tennis shoes.
He'd see a player wearing Air Jordans and say, "It's not the sneakers, Kid, it's the person in them."
One day Taliaferro wore an entirely different pair into his office, a pair of "Air Paternos" he'd made himself. "He freaked out," Taliaferro remembers. "He was about to call Nike. He thought they were real!"
[+] EnlargePaterno Nikes
Courtesy of Adam Taliaferro
As a gag, Taliaferro made these sneakers to show Paterno. They represented everything the coach did not stand for.
If a player was struggling with a subject, Paterno would make him come to his house for wife Sue's homemade pasta and her tutoring. One time, he told a high school blue chipper named Bob White he wouldn't recruit him unless he agreed to read 12 novels and turn in two-page book reports to Sue. They were the first books he ever finished. White wound up with two degrees and a job at the university.
Paterno was other things, too, like controlling and immovable. He lingered as head coach when he promised time and again he wouldn't. And when he needed to follow up on what he'd been told about Jerry Sandusky and a child in the shower in 2002, he failed miserably.
But he followed up for thousands of others.
Even though Taliaferro would never play football again, Paterno stayed on him to keep moving. "I came to Penn State to become a lawyer," he told him. "But I never made it. You could, Kid. You're smart."
He got the fully recovered Taliaferro a summer internship with the NFLPA in New York and, before you knew it, Taliaferro was a corporate lawyer in Cherry Hill, N.J. He successfully ran for local office there and is now running for the Penn State board of trustees, where he wants to help his school heal from a scandal Paterno made worse with his neglect.
"The last three months, I've just wanted to go up on a rooftop and shout, 'I wish you knew him like I do!'" Taliaferro says. "I know, in my heart, if he'd understood how serious this situation was, he'd have done more."
I believe that, too. But if you don't, I respect that. I only ask this:
If we're so able to vividly remember the worst a man did, can't we also remember the best?
Maybe you will never be convinced Joe Paterno was a good man who made one catastrophic mistake, but do you have time for just one story?
In 2000, Penn State freshman defensive back Adam Taliaferro had his spine crushed when tackling an Ohio State player. He lay on that September field paralyzed and panicked.
The first person he saw when he opened his eyes was Paterno, who died Sunday at 85.
"He could see I was losing it, but his eyes stayed totally calm," Taliaferro remembers. "And I remember that familiar, high-pitched voice, going, 'You're gonna get through this, Kid. You're gonna be OK.' And I just trusted him. I believed it."
Taliaferro wound up in a hospital bed in Philadelphia, everything frozen solid below the neck. Doctors said he had about a 3 percent chance of walking again. And every other week, Paterno would fly to Philly to see him.
"He'd bring our trainer and a couple of my teammates," Taliaferro says. "Nobody in the hospital knew he was there." Paterno would tell him all the dumb things his teammates and coaches had done lately. Pretty soon, Taliaferro would be laughing his IVs out.
"I can't tell you what that meant to me," says Taliaferro, now 30. "I'm stuck in that hospital, and here's Coach Paterno bringing a piece of the team to me, in the middle of the season. How many coaches would do that?"
Paterno and Taliaferro
For more of Adam Taliaferro's memories of Joe Paterno, click here.
One midnight, Taliaferro moved a toe and the first person his dad called was Paterno. His dad held the phone to Adam's ear and Paterno said, "You're gonna prove 'em all wrong, Kid!"
From then on, every visit, Paterno wanted to see Taliaferro move something new. "I got to where I wanted to be ready. A finger, a hand, whatever. I wanted to perform for Coach Paterno."
One day, five months into it, Paterno walked in and said, "What's new, Kid?" Taliaferro swung his legs over the bed, stood and extended his hand to shake.
"I'll never forget his eyes," he says. "They were already huge behind those Coke-bottle glasses, but they got even bigger." Paterno gave him a 10-second hug and then said, "Kid, ya make me proud."
A man is more than his failings.
I learned a lot about Paterno when I wrote a story about him in 1986 for Sports Illustrated. I've learned a lot about him since. He was a humble, funny and giving man who was unlike any other coach I ever met in college football. He rolled up his pants to save on dry cleaning bills. He lived in the same simple ranch house for the last 45 years. Same glasses, same wife, same job, for most of his adult life.
He was a man who had two national championships, five undefeated seasons, and yet for years he drove a white Ford Tempo. In 46 years as a head coach, he never had a single major NCAA violation.
He was the only coach I've ever known who went to the board of trustees to demand they increase entrance requirements, who went to faculty club meetings to hear the lectures, who listened to opera while drawing up game plans.
He was a Depression kid who wouldn't allow stars on helmets or names on jerseys. And he hated expensive tennis shoes.
He'd see a player wearing Air Jordans and say, "It's not the sneakers, Kid, it's the person in them."
One day Taliaferro wore an entirely different pair into his office, a pair of "Air Paternos" he'd made himself. "He freaked out," Taliaferro remembers. "He was about to call Nike. He thought they were real!"
[+] EnlargePaterno Nikes
Courtesy of Adam Taliaferro
As a gag, Taliaferro made these sneakers to show Paterno. They represented everything the coach did not stand for.
If a player was struggling with a subject, Paterno would make him come to his house for wife Sue's homemade pasta and her tutoring. One time, he told a high school blue chipper named Bob White he wouldn't recruit him unless he agreed to read 12 novels and turn in two-page book reports to Sue. They were the first books he ever finished. White wound up with two degrees and a job at the university.
Paterno was other things, too, like controlling and immovable. He lingered as head coach when he promised time and again he wouldn't. And when he needed to follow up on what he'd been told about Jerry Sandusky and a child in the shower in 2002, he failed miserably.
But he followed up for thousands of others.
Even though Taliaferro would never play football again, Paterno stayed on him to keep moving. "I came to Penn State to become a lawyer," he told him. "But I never made it. You could, Kid. You're smart."
He got the fully recovered Taliaferro a summer internship with the NFLPA in New York and, before you knew it, Taliaferro was a corporate lawyer in Cherry Hill, N.J. He successfully ran for local office there and is now running for the Penn State board of trustees, where he wants to help his school heal from a scandal Paterno made worse with his neglect.
"The last three months, I've just wanted to go up on a rooftop and shout, 'I wish you knew him like I do!'" Taliaferro says. "I know, in my heart, if he'd understood how serious this situation was, he'd have done more."
I believe that, too. But if you don't, I respect that. I only ask this:
If we're so able to vividly remember the worst a man did, can't we also remember the best?
The Tiger Woods I used to know
Tiger Woods, at Pebble Beach on Feb. 12, is having trouble doing something he once mastered: making pressure putts.
This is a Tiger Woods I don't recognize, this Tiger Woods who gags 5-footers that could keep a match alive, as he did last week against Nick Watney at the World Match Play. The Tiger Woods I used to know would've sunk that putt the way a carpenter sinks a nail, without a thought, and the next three after it.
This is a Tiger Woods I can't fathom, this Tiger Woods who goes to Pebble two weeks before and lets his rival, Phil Mickelson, leave enough spike holes in his back to start a colander; who misses five putts of 5 feet or less on Sunday, including one on 18 no longer than a kielbasa. The Tiger Woods I used to know had a Sunday putter so hot you could brand heifers with it. Now, I'm surprised he doesn't get frostbite.
This is a Tiger Woods I never imagined, this Tiger Woods who stands over a putt like it's ticking, who talks now of "the putter release point" and other mechanical goop you usually hear from guys headed back to the Nationwide Tour. Tiger used to have parts of guys like that in his lower intestine.
But this is the Tiger Woods we have. And if this Tiger Woods ever hopes to catch Jack Nicklaus and his 18 majors, he has to fix his putting. This, however, is like saying Baghdad needs to fix its bridges. His golf swing looks silky again, but right now, Woods is as far from his old putting self as Chaz Bono is from his old driver's license picture.
"That [Tiger] is not back yet," says putting guru Dave Pelz. "I don't know if he'll ever be back."
What happened? I have my guesses:
When I taught Tiger, all I ever did with his putting was try and notice if he was doing anything out of his norm. Now Tiger has changed so much about his stroke that it seems like it would be hard to figure out what's wrong.
-- Hank Haney
The Nike Theory
During the Tiger Sex Scandal, most companies fled Woods like Red Riding Hood. One that stuck with him? Nike. Not long after, at the 2010 British Open, Woods started using a Nike putter instead of the Scotty Cameron Titleist putter he'd won his 13 majors with. It was like Jim Bowie suddenly carrying a putty knife; B.B. King playing an oboe. Maybe Nike said, "We'll hang with you through all those pancake waitresses, but we don't want to see somebody else's putter next to your ball." Whatever. Since that day, Woods is 0-for-majors and winless on the PGA Tour.
"If I'm coaching Tiger right now," says Woods' old coach, Butch Harmon, "I'd take the Nike out of the bag and put the Scotty back in and see how good that looks in his hands."
Maybe it's in his contract, maybe it's out of loyalty, maybe it's because Tiger -- who is nothing if not stubborn -- refuses to admit he was wrong. But 100 guys out of 100 would've gone back to the Scotty two years ago. Hell, Arnold Palmer used to bring 12 putters to the putting green and pick a new one daily.
"Which is weird," says former tour star Peter Jacobsen, "because I think Nike would much rather see Tiger hoisting trophies over his head again than see their swoosh lined up next to his ball."
The Earl Theory
When you think about it, Tiger hasn't been golf's Mozart since his dad died in 2006. Earl knew which of Tiger's buttons to push, possibly because he'd installed them. They'd sit at dinner and talk about all the great putts he'd made that day, how he believed in his reads, how he saw them going in long before he'd struck them, just as the Green Beret psychologist had taught him.
Earl didn't even need to be with Tiger. At his first PGA Championship win, at Medinah in 1999, Tiger was standing over a tricky putt on the 17th hole on Sunday. As I wrote in Sports Illustrated in 2000: "I was in the hotel and I said to him, 'Tiger, this is a must-make putt. Now, we've been through it before. Trust your stroke. Trust your stroke.' And he made it. That night I said to him, 'I told you to [trust your stroke on] that putt at 17.' He said, 'I know, Pop. I heard you.'
That voice is now gone.
The Karma Theory
Great putting is like great writing -- it helps to have an uncluttered mind. When your life has come apart like bad knitting, as Tiger's has, you're up to your cheekbones in clutter.
A 6-year-old can make 4-footers all recess because he doesn't think about it. But if your mind is full of doubt and troubles and guilt, all those problems rattle around in your skull. These are known as The Demons. When the hole is looking like a Cheerio, The Demons will have you asking yourself why Golf hates you, why God hates you, why Luck hates you. Worse, you begin to wonder if maybe you deserve it.
In the year 2009 PFH (Pre Fire Hydrant), Woods ranked second in putting. This year, he's 175th.
"He's coming back from a pretty deep place," says Pelz, who has never worked with Woods. "Almost none of golf is mental. It's about your mind getting out of the way."
"He seems a long way from his unconscious right now," says Dave Stockton, who helps Mickelson and Rory McIlroy with putting. "He seems like he's thinking all the time, like he's trying. Putting is not about trying, it's the easiest thing we do in golf."
Not lately.
The Fun Theory
The Tiger I used to know laughed a lot more on the course. Laughed at himself sometimes when he'd miss an easy one, which was almost never. Now he laughs about as much as an Easter Island statue. Even makes are greeted with a look of dread reprieved for another hole.
"You look at [Tiger's] face and he doesn't look like he's having much fun," says Jacobsen. "You watch Rory McIlroy. He makes a putt and he looks like it's Halloween and he just got two large Butterfingers from the house down the street. ... That's not how Tiger looks. He looks like it's all a lot of work right now."
The Yips Theory
I hate to even broach this, but is it possible we're seeing the start of the yips?
"I wouldn't say the yips, no," says Harmon. "But I definitely see nerves. It started at Augusta last year, on the back nine. He had a chance to win and he suddenly started missing short putts. They weren't on line, they didn't touch the hole. It's understandable with everything he's been through off the course. I'm not making excuses for him. He brought that on himself. But his confidence just seems gone on the greens."
It's happened to great players before: Bernhard Langer, Tom Watson, Ben Hogan. They were never the same afterward.
The Time Theory
Tiger is fascinated with the golf swing, bored by the putting stroke. He's an incurable swing tinkerer, but he doesn't have any obsession with putting. Billy Casper used to wear out the carpet in his houses at night putting. Not Woods. He doesn't put in anywhere near the time on the putting green that he does on the driving range.
Woods often complains about "not getting the speed of the greens here" but is he out there enough? At the Match Play in Arizona last week, he played a grand total of nine practice holes.
If the worst part of your game is also the part you spend the least time working on, that's not a coincidence. That's a reason.
The Grooving a Mistake Theory
Woods used to have a beautiful swinging-gate-type stroke -- inside going back, inside going through -- like Ben Crenshaw's. Now he putts more straight back, straight through. That would be fine if it was working, but it's not.
Also "it looks as if he is trying to keep the putter shaft leaning forward like he does with his full swing," emails Hank Haney, Tiger's former swing coach, whose new book "The Big Miss" drops in late March. "When I taught Tiger, all I ever did with his putting was try and notice if he was doing anything out of his norm. Now Tiger has changed so much about his stroke that it seems like it would be hard to figure out what's wrong."
So what can Tiger and his putter do to dig themselves out of this quicksand? Well ...
[+] EnlargeWoods
Brian Spurlock/US Presswire
Among the many things missing from Tiger Woods' putting game now, the voice of Earl Woods may be the most important.
1. Get help. Tiger has never hired a putting guru like Pelz or Stockton or … anybody. He talks to Steve Stricker a lot, but how can you trust somebody who's trying to beat you?
He's had no problem having three swing coaches. Why not try one putting coach?
"Because," says Pelz, "when you've spent most of your career having people tell you you're the greatest putter in golf history, you're probably not going to ask for help."
2. Get a psychologist. Plenty of players do it. Tiger should. Because if he's got The Demons, they need to be cleansed.
3. Get a belly putter. Tiger hates it, has campaigned against it. But desperate times call for desperate measures. If Webb Simpson and Keegan Bradley can crush with one, why not?
"I think it would help him to practice with it," says Harmon, "because it forces you to take it back inside and release it through. Doesn't mean you have to play with it."
But why not? Does it cause warts?
4. Get nonchalant. "Phil is in a place right now where he doesn't care so much about results," says Stockton. "He's just rolling it and enjoying it. That's where Tiger needs to be. It's not about lessons or equipment. It's about just letting it go."
Uh, hello? Have you MET Tiger Woods? He's not big on letting go.
5. Get moving. Used to be, Tiger took two practice strokes, then his stance, then one last look, then fired. Now, he stares at it like Boris Spassky at a trapped queen. Sometimes he takes more than a full minute before he's ready.
"To me," says Harmon, "it looks like he's looking for something that isn't there."
Like himself?
This is a Tiger Woods I don't recognize, this Tiger Woods who gags 5-footers that could keep a match alive, as he did last week against Nick Watney at the World Match Play. The Tiger Woods I used to know would've sunk that putt the way a carpenter sinks a nail, without a thought, and the next three after it.
This is a Tiger Woods I can't fathom, this Tiger Woods who goes to Pebble two weeks before and lets his rival, Phil Mickelson, leave enough spike holes in his back to start a colander; who misses five putts of 5 feet or less on Sunday, including one on 18 no longer than a kielbasa. The Tiger Woods I used to know had a Sunday putter so hot you could brand heifers with it. Now, I'm surprised he doesn't get frostbite.
This is a Tiger Woods I never imagined, this Tiger Woods who stands over a putt like it's ticking, who talks now of "the putter release point" and other mechanical goop you usually hear from guys headed back to the Nationwide Tour. Tiger used to have parts of guys like that in his lower intestine.
But this is the Tiger Woods we have. And if this Tiger Woods ever hopes to catch Jack Nicklaus and his 18 majors, he has to fix his putting. This, however, is like saying Baghdad needs to fix its bridges. His golf swing looks silky again, but right now, Woods is as far from his old putting self as Chaz Bono is from his old driver's license picture.
"That [Tiger] is not back yet," says putting guru Dave Pelz. "I don't know if he'll ever be back."
What happened? I have my guesses:
When I taught Tiger, all I ever did with his putting was try and notice if he was doing anything out of his norm. Now Tiger has changed so much about his stroke that it seems like it would be hard to figure out what's wrong.
-- Hank Haney
The Nike Theory
During the Tiger Sex Scandal, most companies fled Woods like Red Riding Hood. One that stuck with him? Nike. Not long after, at the 2010 British Open, Woods started using a Nike putter instead of the Scotty Cameron Titleist putter he'd won his 13 majors with. It was like Jim Bowie suddenly carrying a putty knife; B.B. King playing an oboe. Maybe Nike said, "We'll hang with you through all those pancake waitresses, but we don't want to see somebody else's putter next to your ball." Whatever. Since that day, Woods is 0-for-majors and winless on the PGA Tour.
"If I'm coaching Tiger right now," says Woods' old coach, Butch Harmon, "I'd take the Nike out of the bag and put the Scotty back in and see how good that looks in his hands."
Maybe it's in his contract, maybe it's out of loyalty, maybe it's because Tiger -- who is nothing if not stubborn -- refuses to admit he was wrong. But 100 guys out of 100 would've gone back to the Scotty two years ago. Hell, Arnold Palmer used to bring 12 putters to the putting green and pick a new one daily.
"Which is weird," says former tour star Peter Jacobsen, "because I think Nike would much rather see Tiger hoisting trophies over his head again than see their swoosh lined up next to his ball."
The Earl Theory
When you think about it, Tiger hasn't been golf's Mozart since his dad died in 2006. Earl knew which of Tiger's buttons to push, possibly because he'd installed them. They'd sit at dinner and talk about all the great putts he'd made that day, how he believed in his reads, how he saw them going in long before he'd struck them, just as the Green Beret psychologist had taught him.
Earl didn't even need to be with Tiger. At his first PGA Championship win, at Medinah in 1999, Tiger was standing over a tricky putt on the 17th hole on Sunday. As I wrote in Sports Illustrated in 2000: "I was in the hotel and I said to him, 'Tiger, this is a must-make putt. Now, we've been through it before. Trust your stroke. Trust your stroke.' And he made it. That night I said to him, 'I told you to [trust your stroke on] that putt at 17.' He said, 'I know, Pop. I heard you.'
That voice is now gone.
The Karma Theory
Great putting is like great writing -- it helps to have an uncluttered mind. When your life has come apart like bad knitting, as Tiger's has, you're up to your cheekbones in clutter.
A 6-year-old can make 4-footers all recess because he doesn't think about it. But if your mind is full of doubt and troubles and guilt, all those problems rattle around in your skull. These are known as The Demons. When the hole is looking like a Cheerio, The Demons will have you asking yourself why Golf hates you, why God hates you, why Luck hates you. Worse, you begin to wonder if maybe you deserve it.
In the year 2009 PFH (Pre Fire Hydrant), Woods ranked second in putting. This year, he's 175th.
"He's coming back from a pretty deep place," says Pelz, who has never worked with Woods. "Almost none of golf is mental. It's about your mind getting out of the way."
"He seems a long way from his unconscious right now," says Dave Stockton, who helps Mickelson and Rory McIlroy with putting. "He seems like he's thinking all the time, like he's trying. Putting is not about trying, it's the easiest thing we do in golf."
Not lately.
The Fun Theory
The Tiger I used to know laughed a lot more on the course. Laughed at himself sometimes when he'd miss an easy one, which was almost never. Now he laughs about as much as an Easter Island statue. Even makes are greeted with a look of dread reprieved for another hole.
"You look at [Tiger's] face and he doesn't look like he's having much fun," says Jacobsen. "You watch Rory McIlroy. He makes a putt and he looks like it's Halloween and he just got two large Butterfingers from the house down the street. ... That's not how Tiger looks. He looks like it's all a lot of work right now."
The Yips Theory
I hate to even broach this, but is it possible we're seeing the start of the yips?
"I wouldn't say the yips, no," says Harmon. "But I definitely see nerves. It started at Augusta last year, on the back nine. He had a chance to win and he suddenly started missing short putts. They weren't on line, they didn't touch the hole. It's understandable with everything he's been through off the course. I'm not making excuses for him. He brought that on himself. But his confidence just seems gone on the greens."
It's happened to great players before: Bernhard Langer, Tom Watson, Ben Hogan. They were never the same afterward.
The Time Theory
Tiger is fascinated with the golf swing, bored by the putting stroke. He's an incurable swing tinkerer, but he doesn't have any obsession with putting. Billy Casper used to wear out the carpet in his houses at night putting. Not Woods. He doesn't put in anywhere near the time on the putting green that he does on the driving range.
Woods often complains about "not getting the speed of the greens here" but is he out there enough? At the Match Play in Arizona last week, he played a grand total of nine practice holes.
If the worst part of your game is also the part you spend the least time working on, that's not a coincidence. That's a reason.
The Grooving a Mistake Theory
Woods used to have a beautiful swinging-gate-type stroke -- inside going back, inside going through -- like Ben Crenshaw's. Now he putts more straight back, straight through. That would be fine if it was working, but it's not.
Also "it looks as if he is trying to keep the putter shaft leaning forward like he does with his full swing," emails Hank Haney, Tiger's former swing coach, whose new book "The Big Miss" drops in late March. "When I taught Tiger, all I ever did with his putting was try and notice if he was doing anything out of his norm. Now Tiger has changed so much about his stroke that it seems like it would be hard to figure out what's wrong."
So what can Tiger and his putter do to dig themselves out of this quicksand? Well ...
[+] EnlargeWoods
Brian Spurlock/US Presswire
Among the many things missing from Tiger Woods' putting game now, the voice of Earl Woods may be the most important.
1. Get help. Tiger has never hired a putting guru like Pelz or Stockton or … anybody. He talks to Steve Stricker a lot, but how can you trust somebody who's trying to beat you?
He's had no problem having three swing coaches. Why not try one putting coach?
"Because," says Pelz, "when you've spent most of your career having people tell you you're the greatest putter in golf history, you're probably not going to ask for help."
2. Get a psychologist. Plenty of players do it. Tiger should. Because if he's got The Demons, they need to be cleansed.
3. Get a belly putter. Tiger hates it, has campaigned against it. But desperate times call for desperate measures. If Webb Simpson and Keegan Bradley can crush with one, why not?
"I think it would help him to practice with it," says Harmon, "because it forces you to take it back inside and release it through. Doesn't mean you have to play with it."
But why not? Does it cause warts?
4. Get nonchalant. "Phil is in a place right now where he doesn't care so much about results," says Stockton. "He's just rolling it and enjoying it. That's where Tiger needs to be. It's not about lessons or equipment. It's about just letting it go."
Uh, hello? Have you MET Tiger Woods? He's not big on letting go.
5. Get moving. Used to be, Tiger took two practice strokes, then his stance, then one last look, then fired. Now, he stares at it like Boris Spassky at a trapped queen. Sometimes he takes more than a full minute before he's ready.
"To me," says Harmon, "it looks like he's looking for something that isn't there."
Like himself?
Larry and Earvin still magic
Larry Bird and Magic Johnson have been rivals on the court and good friends off it since 1979.
No two Americans in sports history are woven more tightly together than Larry Bird and Magic Johnson. And yet they're almost never in the same room.
That's because Bird, a famous homebody, has an odd rule. He refuses to travel farther than 45 minutes from where he stands, unless he absolutely has to. "I get homesick," he says with a shrug.
Which is why it was so rare to get them together on March 3 in the rarified air of Beaver Creek, Colo., much less have them sit still for an hour's worth of my questions.
The best of it:
Reilly: On April 11, you both will be at the premiere of a Broadway play about your lives -- "Magic/Bird." Larry, how many Broadway shows have you been to in your life?
(Sounds of Magic breaking up laughing.)
Bird (laughing): Uh, well (long pause while Magic laughs) ... uh ... thousands?
Reilly: Zero?
Bird: Yeah, zero.
(Magic now has his hands on the floor, laughing.)
Reilly: It's just, you don't seem like a Broadway play kind of guy.
Bird: I'm not! I couldn't even tell you where Broadway is!
Magic: Ahhhhh!
Bird (laughing): I didn't even go to my school play! And I was in it!
Reilly: Did you read the script?
Bird: Well, my wife read it to me. It's good. When it first came up, it was like anything else. I said, 'I ain't doing that.' But Earvin called me and said, "We gotta do this."
Magic: It's so cool! I'm a black kid from the ghetto and he's a hick from Indiana. And now we have a Broadway play. How does this happen?
One time, I was hurt. I was on the bench. Larry comes by during warm-ups and says, "Don't worry, Earvin. I'm gonna put on a show for you." I think he scored 40 that night and I think he only missed two shots. He'd get that walk goin' and that blond hair floppin' and you knew you were gonna be in for a long, long night.
-- Magic Johnson
It's been more than 20 years since Magic announced he had the HIV virus. This Tuesday night in L.A. is the premiere of the 90-minute ESPN film "The Announcement." The film debuts on ESPN on March 11 at 9 p.m. ET.
Reilly (to Bird): That day, did you think we were going to lose him?
Bird: We thought, at the time, there would be only 10 years left. That's what the doctors were telling us.
Magic: The first call I got that day was from Larry. Man, that moved me. You value great friends, people who, no matter what, will be there to support you.
Bird: Magic's agent (Lon Rosen) calls me and tells me about the announcement ahead of time. I said, "I gotta talk to him right now." And Lon goes, "I don't know. He's going through all this stuff right now." And I said, "I don't care. I gotta talk to him right now." And he put me through to him. ... Man, that really hit me. It really hit me hard. That was the first time in my life I played in a game that I didn't want to play (vs. Atlanta). I didn't have anything that night.
Magic: Twenty years later, we're still here. I have a lot to live for. I have a wife and grandkids and kids and great friends. The medicine is working. God blessed me.
The two men are so alike -- both grew up poor in the Midwest in big families (Magic had nine siblings, Bird five), with blue-collar fathers. (Magic's dad worked at a car factory, Bird's at a piano factory.) Each has three kids. Each has adopted kids (Bird two, Magic one.) Each married his college sweetheart. And yet they're as different as butter and butterflies.
Bird: You know, I used to wish I was like Magic -- happy go lucky, always friendly and smiling. And then I got to know him over the years and I decided, "Nah. No thanks." (laughing) I like being by myself. I'm a loner. People would ask why I sat in my garage. I'd say, "I gotta sit somewhere."
Magic: Let me tell you a story. I was gonna tell you this later, Larry, but I'll tell you now. I know a guy whose best friend lives next door to Larry down in (Naples) Florida. They meet up in the driveway and he asked Larry did he want to play golf. Larry says OK. This guy thought they would talk while playing golf. But Larry never said a word about talking. He just said he'd play golf. So they play golf and Larry doesn't say a word for 18 holes. Well, the guy thought he had done something wrong. "Man, what did I do to make Larry so mad at me?" So now they're loading the clubs back in the car and Larry says, "I had fun. Wanna do it again tomorrow?" Larry had the best time by not talking.
Reilly: How often do you hear about the other?
Bird: Just about every day. I don't travel much, but I can be anywhere, China or Israel or wherever, and it's always the same thing. "How's Magic? How's Magic doing?" Like I live with him or something.
Magic: First question I get whenever I speak is, "How's Larry? How was it playing against Larry?" Every airport, somebody will come up and go, "I'm a Celtics fan, but you and Larry, man, you two changed basketball." Look, man, I am happy to know this man. I tell kids who are trying to get good, "Go grab yourself a Larry Bird tape. And then you'll know how to play the game of basketball."
Reilly: Have you ever thought about what your rivalry and friendship has done for race relations?
Larry: I never got into that. I don't care nothin' about that. When I was a kid, like 14 or 15, I played with the waiters from the hotel, 'cause that was the best game. And these guys, they'd let me play. And they were black guys. And they'd go over and sneak a drag on their Kool cigarettes, but they let me play.
Reilly: Didn't your Michigan State teammates think Bird was black?
Magic: They did! Until they saw that SI cover. I told 'em, 'cause I played with him, this is the baddest white boy you'll ever see.
Bird: I remember when I first seen Magic play, I told my brother, "I think I just saw the best college player in the country." And my brother didn't really believe me. But then he saw him play and he came to me and said, "Man, Magic is BETTER than you!"
Reilly: What kinds of things would the other guy's fans do to you?
Bird: They'd be out there shaking our bus and everything. But one night, they beat us and we're walking out to the bus and this little Mexican guy ran up and just punched me right in the nose! Just jumped up and punched me right in the nose! And that little guy took off so fast. It was almost like it didn't really happen. I said to my teammates, "Did you see that? That Mexican guy punched me in the nose!"
Magic: One time, we had just landed at Logan (in Boston), during the Finals. We're walking through the airport and everyone -- everyone! -- is wearing Larry's jersey, wearing Celtics hats, all that. And this little old man comes up to me, all kinda hunched over, and he gets right up in me and says, (hissing), "Larry is going to KILL you." So now we get our bags and get on the bus and our bus driver is wearing a Celtic cap. And I'm thinking, "Are we going to make it to the hotel all right?" Then we go to check in to the hotel and everyone at the hotel -- everyone! -- is wearing Larry's jersey and Celtic jerseys and mean muggin' us. Just being real nasty. And the lady behind the counter goes (hissing), "Here's your key." Just staring at me.
The Lakers' Kobe Bryant said this week that he hasn't had a real rival in his 16-year career. Not LeBron James, not Dwyane Wade. If anything, Kobe's rivalry was with a former Lakers teammate, Shaquille O'Neal. But Bird and Magic were pure rivals. They were nearly the same height, turned pro the same year, and were so inflamed to beat each other that it pushed both of them to heights they might not have otherwise reached. Combined, they won eight NBA titles and six MVPs.
Reilly: What do you wish you could've stolen from the other guy's game?
Bird: I just could never figure him out. Most guys you could study and figure them out after a while, but Magic, you just never knew what he was gonna do.
Reilly: Did he ever make you look bad when you were back on a three-on-one?
Bird: Oh, yeah. I tried everything. One time, I even just decided I'd try to take a charge and just flop. No chance. I ended up on the floor once in the playoffs and the dunk landed right next to my head.
Magic: Larry was just so smart. He attacked you from so many different angles. And with Larry, you had to guard him five and 10 feet past the (3-point) line. Five feet past the line was nothing for Larry. One time, I was hurt. I was on the bench. Larry comes by during warm-ups and says, "Don't worry, Earvin. I'm gonna put on a show for you." I think he scored 40 that night and I think he only missed two shots. He'd get that walk goin' and that blond hair floppin' and you knew you were gonna be in for a long, long night.
Reilly: You two changed the game in so many ways. Your 1979 NCAA final in Salt Lake is still the highest-rated college basketball game ever. After that game, March Madness really caught fire. Do you ever wish you had a cut of all that money you made for the NCAA?
Bird: Oh, we got it.
Magic: We got some of it. But for us, it wasn't about money. We would've played for free, me and Larry.
Reilly: You two also, arguably, turned the NBA around, with the pass-first, unselfish way you played.
Magic: We didn't set out to do that. I was watching a tape of one of our Finals together and I counted eight straight plays -- on both sides -- where the ball never touched the ground. Never once touched the ground! We played a different kind of basketball than you see now, the kind where they feed it into one guy and everybody stands and watches him to see if he can score. We moved the ball, all the time.
Reilly: How much did it hurt when you lost to the other?
Bird: That '79 game (won by Magic's Michigan State Spartans, 75-64), that was the toughest time ever in my life as far as basketball goes. I just never dreamed we could lose that game. We were good but not as good as them. We play that game 10 times, we might win one of 'em.
Magic: I was depressed all that one summer (of 1984, after his Lakers lost in the Finals to Bird's Celtics in seven games). I was miserable. I sat in the dark a lot. I mean, a lot. I only went outside the house to go to the gym. I felt it was my fault for making some bad mistakes that cost us that series.
Reilly: Where? Where did you sit in the dark?
Magic: Just in my living room, going over the game, going over every play. 'Cause that's what you do when you lose. You sit and think about it. And the headlines were calling me "Tragic Magic."
Bird (laughing): I wrote them headlines!
Magic: If you didn't, you found somebody who would've!
Bird (laughing): Man, I had a great summer!
Magic: It's just, I hate losing. I still hate to lose. My daughter (Elisa, now 17) played a little for her school. So I play with her sometimes, one-on-one. We go to 10 points. l let her get to nine and then I have to crush her. Cookie (his wife) says to me, "You can't let her win one time?" And I'm like, "No, I can't!"
Bird: My son (Connor, 21) thinks Earvin is the king. He loves Earvin. I don't know why. I don't think he's ever seen either of us play. (Bird retired when Connor was 2.) When I told him I was going to be here with Earvin, he was like, 'Oh! Magic? Oh, tell him hey for me!"
Magic: Our wives like each other. They really hit it off. They're not trying to make each other suffer.
Reilly (to Bird): Didn't your wife (Dinah) used to rebound for you?
Bird: Yeah, 'til she broke a nail. You know, actually, she helped me become a better shooter. Because she wouldn't go get a shot that was really poor. If it hit the rim and went way off the other way, she'd say, "You go get that one. That's your fault." So she made me really concentrate.
[+] EnlargeMagc Johnson
Getty Images
Bird and Magic squaring off in the 1979 NCAA basketball final. They've been inextricably bound ever since.
Throughout the hour, Bird stayed in his chair, smiling and staring mostly at the floor in front of his feet. Magic, meanwhile, roamed through the crowd, gesturing wildly about Bird's greatness, making kids march up and shake his hand.
Magic: People, I'm telling you. There will never be another Larry Bird. This man was a genius. The things he would do!
Bird: I used to get bored. One night, I had this idea that I'm gonna try to shoot every shot left-handed.
Reilly: Didn't you spend a summer with your right hand tied behind your back, just so you could improve your left?
Bird: Well, not ALL summer. ... Anyway, (that night, teammate) Bill Walton asks me, "What are you doing? Don't do that. This team is pretty good." I think I made 11 of my first 14 left-handed.
Magic: Oh, my!
BIRD: Anyway, finally, my coach (K.C. Jones) calls a timeout and brings me over, 'cause we weren't too far ahead anymore. And he's pissed. And he says, "Use your other damn hand."
The two were asked about the Knicks' out-of-the-blue sensation Jeremy Lin, from Harvard, and about the league's runaway MVP leader this year, James.
Bird: Lemme tell you, this LeBron is about as good as I've ever seen. I seen players that were so unselfish like him, but not as good as him.
Magic: I think he's the best player in the NBA right now.
Bird: People are on him about no rings, but these championships don't come to your house and knock on the door. Anything can happen. Dallas got some lucky breaks or Miami woulda beat them. LeBron passes the ball and takes some crap for it ... I don't know what's going on with (him in) the fourth quarter. Some guys get shaky at the end of a game. I never felt that. I had it before a game, yeah.
Reilly: You used to get sick beforehand.
Bird: Yeah, but it stopped once I stepped on the court. I never stepped up to the free throw line and said, "Oh, Jesus! What's going to happen to me?" People ask me, "What were you thinking about during the game?" And man, my mind was a million miles away. "Did I turn off the stove? What's my grandma doing tonight?"
Magic: You had ice water in your veins. You scared everybody. Look, not everybody can play the fourth quarter. Not everyone can be the hero or the goat. A lot of guys can't recover from blowing the game. But that is what made Larry special.
Reilly: Why didn't you sign Jeremy Lin? (Bird is the president of basketball operations for the Indiana Pacers.)
Bird: I don't care what anybody says, nobody knew what that kid was going to be. I only heard about him one time. Our Northeast scout came to me two years ago. It's the only time I ever heard one word about the kid.
Reilly: What did the scout say?
Bird: "This kid can really play."
Reilly: And ... ?
Bird: I didn't want somebody on the team who's that much smarter than me!
Finally, I asked Magic how he ranked the chances of his group of investors buying the Los Angeles Dodgers, now that they're among the seven finalists.
Magic: I think we have a good chance. We have a good group of people, with Stan Kasten, who ran the (Atlanta) Braves.
Reilly: Larry, you going to ask him for season tickets?
No two Americans in sports history are woven more tightly together than Larry Bird and Magic Johnson. And yet they're almost never in the same room.
That's because Bird, a famous homebody, has an odd rule. He refuses to travel farther than 45 minutes from where he stands, unless he absolutely has to. "I get homesick," he says with a shrug.
Which is why it was so rare to get them together on March 3 in the rarified air of Beaver Creek, Colo., much less have them sit still for an hour's worth of my questions.
The best of it:
Reilly: On April 11, you both will be at the premiere of a Broadway play about your lives -- "Magic/Bird." Larry, how many Broadway shows have you been to in your life?
(Sounds of Magic breaking up laughing.)
Bird (laughing): Uh, well (long pause while Magic laughs) ... uh ... thousands?
Reilly: Zero?
Bird: Yeah, zero.
(Magic now has his hands on the floor, laughing.)
Reilly: It's just, you don't seem like a Broadway play kind of guy.
Bird: I'm not! I couldn't even tell you where Broadway is!
Magic: Ahhhhh!
Bird (laughing): I didn't even go to my school play! And I was in it!
Reilly: Did you read the script?
Bird: Well, my wife read it to me. It's good. When it first came up, it was like anything else. I said, 'I ain't doing that.' But Earvin called me and said, "We gotta do this."
Magic: It's so cool! I'm a black kid from the ghetto and he's a hick from Indiana. And now we have a Broadway play. How does this happen?
One time, I was hurt. I was on the bench. Larry comes by during warm-ups and says, "Don't worry, Earvin. I'm gonna put on a show for you." I think he scored 40 that night and I think he only missed two shots. He'd get that walk goin' and that blond hair floppin' and you knew you were gonna be in for a long, long night.
-- Magic Johnson
It's been more than 20 years since Magic announced he had the HIV virus. This Tuesday night in L.A. is the premiere of the 90-minute ESPN film "The Announcement." The film debuts on ESPN on March 11 at 9 p.m. ET.
Reilly (to Bird): That day, did you think we were going to lose him?
Bird: We thought, at the time, there would be only 10 years left. That's what the doctors were telling us.
Magic: The first call I got that day was from Larry. Man, that moved me. You value great friends, people who, no matter what, will be there to support you.
Bird: Magic's agent (Lon Rosen) calls me and tells me about the announcement ahead of time. I said, "I gotta talk to him right now." And Lon goes, "I don't know. He's going through all this stuff right now." And I said, "I don't care. I gotta talk to him right now." And he put me through to him. ... Man, that really hit me. It really hit me hard. That was the first time in my life I played in a game that I didn't want to play (vs. Atlanta). I didn't have anything that night.
Magic: Twenty years later, we're still here. I have a lot to live for. I have a wife and grandkids and kids and great friends. The medicine is working. God blessed me.
The two men are so alike -- both grew up poor in the Midwest in big families (Magic had nine siblings, Bird five), with blue-collar fathers. (Magic's dad worked at a car factory, Bird's at a piano factory.) Each has three kids. Each has adopted kids (Bird two, Magic one.) Each married his college sweetheart. And yet they're as different as butter and butterflies.
Bird: You know, I used to wish I was like Magic -- happy go lucky, always friendly and smiling. And then I got to know him over the years and I decided, "Nah. No thanks." (laughing) I like being by myself. I'm a loner. People would ask why I sat in my garage. I'd say, "I gotta sit somewhere."
Magic: Let me tell you a story. I was gonna tell you this later, Larry, but I'll tell you now. I know a guy whose best friend lives next door to Larry down in (Naples) Florida. They meet up in the driveway and he asked Larry did he want to play golf. Larry says OK. This guy thought they would talk while playing golf. But Larry never said a word about talking. He just said he'd play golf. So they play golf and Larry doesn't say a word for 18 holes. Well, the guy thought he had done something wrong. "Man, what did I do to make Larry so mad at me?" So now they're loading the clubs back in the car and Larry says, "I had fun. Wanna do it again tomorrow?" Larry had the best time by not talking.
Reilly: How often do you hear about the other?
Bird: Just about every day. I don't travel much, but I can be anywhere, China or Israel or wherever, and it's always the same thing. "How's Magic? How's Magic doing?" Like I live with him or something.
Magic: First question I get whenever I speak is, "How's Larry? How was it playing against Larry?" Every airport, somebody will come up and go, "I'm a Celtics fan, but you and Larry, man, you two changed basketball." Look, man, I am happy to know this man. I tell kids who are trying to get good, "Go grab yourself a Larry Bird tape. And then you'll know how to play the game of basketball."
Reilly: Have you ever thought about what your rivalry and friendship has done for race relations?
Larry: I never got into that. I don't care nothin' about that. When I was a kid, like 14 or 15, I played with the waiters from the hotel, 'cause that was the best game. And these guys, they'd let me play. And they were black guys. And they'd go over and sneak a drag on their Kool cigarettes, but they let me play.
Reilly: Didn't your Michigan State teammates think Bird was black?
Magic: They did! Until they saw that SI cover. I told 'em, 'cause I played with him, this is the baddest white boy you'll ever see.
Bird: I remember when I first seen Magic play, I told my brother, "I think I just saw the best college player in the country." And my brother didn't really believe me. But then he saw him play and he came to me and said, "Man, Magic is BETTER than you!"
Reilly: What kinds of things would the other guy's fans do to you?
Bird: They'd be out there shaking our bus and everything. But one night, they beat us and we're walking out to the bus and this little Mexican guy ran up and just punched me right in the nose! Just jumped up and punched me right in the nose! And that little guy took off so fast. It was almost like it didn't really happen. I said to my teammates, "Did you see that? That Mexican guy punched me in the nose!"
Magic: One time, we had just landed at Logan (in Boston), during the Finals. We're walking through the airport and everyone -- everyone! -- is wearing Larry's jersey, wearing Celtics hats, all that. And this little old man comes up to me, all kinda hunched over, and he gets right up in me and says, (hissing), "Larry is going to KILL you." So now we get our bags and get on the bus and our bus driver is wearing a Celtic cap. And I'm thinking, "Are we going to make it to the hotel all right?" Then we go to check in to the hotel and everyone at the hotel -- everyone! -- is wearing Larry's jersey and Celtic jerseys and mean muggin' us. Just being real nasty. And the lady behind the counter goes (hissing), "Here's your key." Just staring at me.
The Lakers' Kobe Bryant said this week that he hasn't had a real rival in his 16-year career. Not LeBron James, not Dwyane Wade. If anything, Kobe's rivalry was with a former Lakers teammate, Shaquille O'Neal. But Bird and Magic were pure rivals. They were nearly the same height, turned pro the same year, and were so inflamed to beat each other that it pushed both of them to heights they might not have otherwise reached. Combined, they won eight NBA titles and six MVPs.
Reilly: What do you wish you could've stolen from the other guy's game?
Bird: I just could never figure him out. Most guys you could study and figure them out after a while, but Magic, you just never knew what he was gonna do.
Reilly: Did he ever make you look bad when you were back on a three-on-one?
Bird: Oh, yeah. I tried everything. One time, I even just decided I'd try to take a charge and just flop. No chance. I ended up on the floor once in the playoffs and the dunk landed right next to my head.
Magic: Larry was just so smart. He attacked you from so many different angles. And with Larry, you had to guard him five and 10 feet past the (3-point) line. Five feet past the line was nothing for Larry. One time, I was hurt. I was on the bench. Larry comes by during warm-ups and says, "Don't worry, Earvin. I'm gonna put on a show for you." I think he scored 40 that night and I think he only missed two shots. He'd get that walk goin' and that blond hair floppin' and you knew you were gonna be in for a long, long night.
Reilly: You two changed the game in so many ways. Your 1979 NCAA final in Salt Lake is still the highest-rated college basketball game ever. After that game, March Madness really caught fire. Do you ever wish you had a cut of all that money you made for the NCAA?
Bird: Oh, we got it.
Magic: We got some of it. But for us, it wasn't about money. We would've played for free, me and Larry.
Reilly: You two also, arguably, turned the NBA around, with the pass-first, unselfish way you played.
Magic: We didn't set out to do that. I was watching a tape of one of our Finals together and I counted eight straight plays -- on both sides -- where the ball never touched the ground. Never once touched the ground! We played a different kind of basketball than you see now, the kind where they feed it into one guy and everybody stands and watches him to see if he can score. We moved the ball, all the time.
Reilly: How much did it hurt when you lost to the other?
Bird: That '79 game (won by Magic's Michigan State Spartans, 75-64), that was the toughest time ever in my life as far as basketball goes. I just never dreamed we could lose that game. We were good but not as good as them. We play that game 10 times, we might win one of 'em.
Magic: I was depressed all that one summer (of 1984, after his Lakers lost in the Finals to Bird's Celtics in seven games). I was miserable. I sat in the dark a lot. I mean, a lot. I only went outside the house to go to the gym. I felt it was my fault for making some bad mistakes that cost us that series.
Reilly: Where? Where did you sit in the dark?
Magic: Just in my living room, going over the game, going over every play. 'Cause that's what you do when you lose. You sit and think about it. And the headlines were calling me "Tragic Magic."
Bird (laughing): I wrote them headlines!
Magic: If you didn't, you found somebody who would've!
Bird (laughing): Man, I had a great summer!
Magic: It's just, I hate losing. I still hate to lose. My daughter (Elisa, now 17) played a little for her school. So I play with her sometimes, one-on-one. We go to 10 points. l let her get to nine and then I have to crush her. Cookie (his wife) says to me, "You can't let her win one time?" And I'm like, "No, I can't!"
Bird: My son (Connor, 21) thinks Earvin is the king. He loves Earvin. I don't know why. I don't think he's ever seen either of us play. (Bird retired when Connor was 2.) When I told him I was going to be here with Earvin, he was like, 'Oh! Magic? Oh, tell him hey for me!"
Magic: Our wives like each other. They really hit it off. They're not trying to make each other suffer.
Reilly (to Bird): Didn't your wife (Dinah) used to rebound for you?
Bird: Yeah, 'til she broke a nail. You know, actually, she helped me become a better shooter. Because she wouldn't go get a shot that was really poor. If it hit the rim and went way off the other way, she'd say, "You go get that one. That's your fault." So she made me really concentrate.
[+] EnlargeMagc Johnson
Getty Images
Bird and Magic squaring off in the 1979 NCAA basketball final. They've been inextricably bound ever since.
Throughout the hour, Bird stayed in his chair, smiling and staring mostly at the floor in front of his feet. Magic, meanwhile, roamed through the crowd, gesturing wildly about Bird's greatness, making kids march up and shake his hand.
Magic: People, I'm telling you. There will never be another Larry Bird. This man was a genius. The things he would do!
Bird: I used to get bored. One night, I had this idea that I'm gonna try to shoot every shot left-handed.
Reilly: Didn't you spend a summer with your right hand tied behind your back, just so you could improve your left?
Bird: Well, not ALL summer. ... Anyway, (that night, teammate) Bill Walton asks me, "What are you doing? Don't do that. This team is pretty good." I think I made 11 of my first 14 left-handed.
Magic: Oh, my!
BIRD: Anyway, finally, my coach (K.C. Jones) calls a timeout and brings me over, 'cause we weren't too far ahead anymore. And he's pissed. And he says, "Use your other damn hand."
The two were asked about the Knicks' out-of-the-blue sensation Jeremy Lin, from Harvard, and about the league's runaway MVP leader this year, James.
Bird: Lemme tell you, this LeBron is about as good as I've ever seen. I seen players that were so unselfish like him, but not as good as him.
Magic: I think he's the best player in the NBA right now.
Bird: People are on him about no rings, but these championships don't come to your house and knock on the door. Anything can happen. Dallas got some lucky breaks or Miami woulda beat them. LeBron passes the ball and takes some crap for it ... I don't know what's going on with (him in) the fourth quarter. Some guys get shaky at the end of a game. I never felt that. I had it before a game, yeah.
Reilly: You used to get sick beforehand.
Bird: Yeah, but it stopped once I stepped on the court. I never stepped up to the free throw line and said, "Oh, Jesus! What's going to happen to me?" People ask me, "What were you thinking about during the game?" And man, my mind was a million miles away. "Did I turn off the stove? What's my grandma doing tonight?"
Magic: You had ice water in your veins. You scared everybody. Look, not everybody can play the fourth quarter. Not everyone can be the hero or the goat. A lot of guys can't recover from blowing the game. But that is what made Larry special.
Reilly: Why didn't you sign Jeremy Lin? (Bird is the president of basketball operations for the Indiana Pacers.)
Bird: I don't care what anybody says, nobody knew what that kid was going to be. I only heard about him one time. Our Northeast scout came to me two years ago. It's the only time I ever heard one word about the kid.
Reilly: What did the scout say?
Bird: "This kid can really play."
Reilly: And ... ?
Bird: I didn't want somebody on the team who's that much smarter than me!
Finally, I asked Magic how he ranked the chances of his group of investors buying the Los Angeles Dodgers, now that they're among the seven finalists.
Magic: I think we have a good chance. We have a good group of people, with Stan Kasten, who ran the (Atlanta) Braves.
Reilly: Larry, you going to ask him for season tickets?
Gallagher-Smith, who has two young boys, said one was sick with a stomach ailment Friday night, so her mind might not have been entirely on her game Saturday morning.
"I'm not sure I was totally there," she said. "He was still sleeping when I came out here this morning."
The other golfer from South Florida to make the cut, Marisa Baena of Weston, shot a 78 Saturday and stands at 6-over for the tournament at 222.
On the spot
The Golf

Before launching the new feature, "At the Turn," the Golf Channel's Rich Lerner said he would try "not to intrude psychologically into what [players were] doing - I have tremendous respect with the competitive environment."
Lerner expects the interviews to become a regular feature when the Golf Channel starts a 10-year partnership with the LPGA next year.
One for Wie
Michelle Wie fired a hole-in-one on the par-3, 152-yard seventh hole Saturday, using an 8 iron. She finished the round with a 1-over 73, and a three-day total of 217, also 1 over. She started the day in a tie for 32nd.
Against the Florida Rams
Against the Florida Rams, the sophomores fell short in winning the title, taking second place.
The eighth grade club was at the .500 mark in pool play (1-1) and did even better in the postseason. Ramsey and company saw the eighth-graders go 5-0 overall in the playoffs, capped by its upset victory over the state-ranked Florida Phenoms in Division II.
The Blazers' home floor is at the Pompey Park Recreation Center, 1101 NW 2nd St. in Delray Beach.
locals capture putting champs
From basic amateurs to seasoned professionals, the John Prince Golf Learning Center in Lake Worth was the place to be recently for the annual Palm Beach County Putting Championship.
Ryan Alvino, PGA head golf professional at the center, welcomed more than 100 participants ages 5 to 75.
Donna White, a three-time winner on the Ladies Professional Golf Association tour, was the lead instructor for the free putting clinic, which was also part of the activities.
Boynton Beach's Edward Smith, 28, hits the fairways for regular play once a week and watches the Golf Channel to pick up tips.
He found the putting clinic helpful since that's the one part of his game that needs improvement.
"This [clinic] is very beneficial," Smith said. "This is the only thing that is holding me back. I am in the low 80s, so if I can shave off a few strokes by being a better putter, that would be great."
Lake Worth's Vince Elliott, 53, was testing his skills in the county's putting challenge for the second time.
"I just want to come out here and have some fun," said Elliott, who comes to the links once a week for a casual round of golf. "I will also come out and work on my putting once a week."
Palm Beach Gardens' Eric Strand, 46, brought his 8-year-old son Zachary to the event. He liked the friendly competition and said his son was going to start in a kids' program at the center.
There were six divisions and trophies and prizes awarded in each. All proceeds benefited the Junior Golf Foundation of America.
PURSE: $8.5 million ($1.4 million to winner)
PURSE: $8.5 million ($1.4 million to winner).
DEFENDING CHAMPION: Nick Watney (67-70-68-67–272, two shots ahead of Dustin Johnson.
SCHEDULE: Thursday, first round starting 11:15 a.m. Friday, second round starting 11:15 a.m. Saturday, third round starting 8:30 a.m. Sunday, final round starting 9:30 a.m.
TV: Thursday-Friday, 2-6 p.m. (Golf Channel). Saturday, 2-6 p.m. (NBC), Sunday, 3-7 p.m. (NBC).
TICKETS: Single-day tickets $20 Wednesday, $35 Thursday-Sunday. Full-week Clubhouse Ticket for $115 includes access to clubhouse and a voucher for discounted golf rates at Doral. Children 18-and-under free with ticketed adult. Order online at or call Ticketmaster or 888-401-8000.
PARKING: Preferred parking (PP passes) off Northwest NW 52nd Street adjacent to Doral's Great White course. General parking ($10) at J.C. Bermudez Park, near Northwest NW 87th Avenue and Northwest NW 33rd Street. Cadillacs park free in a dedicated lot. Shuttle buses will transport spectators from both sites.
MOBILE DEVICES: Spectators may use their mobile devices on the course to send and receive text messages, check e-mail and access other data. Cellphone calls allowed only in designated areas, primarily at concession stands. Photos are prohibited during competition days. No video recording at any time.
DEFENDING CHAMPION: Nick Watney (67-70-68-67–272, two shots ahead of Dustin Johnson.
SCHEDULE: Thursday, first round starting 11:15 a.m. Friday, second round starting 11:15 a.m. Saturday, third round starting 8:30 a.m. Sunday, final round starting 9:30 a.m.
TV: Thursday-Friday, 2-6 p.m. (Golf Channel). Saturday, 2-6 p.m. (NBC), Sunday, 3-7 p.m. (NBC).
TICKETS: Single-day tickets $20 Wednesday, $35 Thursday-Sunday. Full-week Clubhouse Ticket for $115 includes access to clubhouse and a voucher for discounted golf rates at Doral. Children 18-and-under free with ticketed adult. Order online at or call Ticketmaster or 888-401-8000.
PARKING: Preferred parking (PP passes) off Northwest NW 52nd Street adjacent to Doral's Great White course. General parking ($10) at J.C. Bermudez Park, near Northwest NW 87th Avenue and Northwest NW 33rd Street. Cadillacs park free in a dedicated lot. Shuttle buses will transport spectators from both sites.
MOBILE DEVICES: Spectators may use their mobile devices on the course to send and receive text messages, check e-mail and access other data. Cellphone calls allowed only in designated areas, primarily at concession stands. Photos are prohibited during competition days. No video recording at any time.
Where every fairway is fantasyland.
He switched to leukine injections, two weeks out of every month, and has been better since. He is nearing the end of that treatment, all his cancer scans coming up clean. So far. Lisa is optimistic. Last year, he came back to the course, to play a handful of tournaments, even though the limb perfusion to his leg left him without much pliability, muscle, tone or memory. He has come back from cancer, again, and Lisa says he has come back better -- more balanced, calm and compassionate, with more perspective about this just being a game.
Lye the announcer has been criticized at times for being too critical, considering he wasn't a front-line professional like NBC announcer Johnny Miller. He calls it "just silly" that he has to be that good a player to be a believable commentator. "It's dumb," he says. "But a lot of people ... in the media, and even some of my bosses probably think, `Is he a good enough player to be an announcer?'"
He shot 75 on Friday, with Golf Channel viewers seeing and hearing his exaltations and frustrations, before resuming his announcer duties to call others' rounds. That score may have upset him, but it was good enough for the only viewer who could ever really know his reality. Lisa was with him for every hole, and says she is so proud of him "after all he's been through" that it doesn't matter what he shoots. She never knew him as a player, just an announcer, guitarist, husband and patient. She likes being a tour pro's wife, and he likes having her here, comparing it to "taking your kids to Disneyland."
Where every fairway is fantasyland.
The Lorax
Invariably Taylor Swift will have won large, prompting a dialogue amongst many Craigslisters about how untalented she is and how she so doesn't deserve her success.
The implication is clear that the Craigslisters are the types with actual skill, that if lifestyle have been reasonable they'd be the kinds winning the awards. They rant endlessly about how Taylor obtained a recording commitment only simply because her Father acquired her way in.
When I'm finished pondering why these men and women aren't out pursuing their individual deal rather of crying to strangers on Craigslist, I usually make a minor rebuttal post just to excite issues up, the gist being maybe we could all find out a couple lessons from Taylor:
Lesson #1: Expertise is a wonderful factor, but skill with financial backing and organization acumen connected wins out
Look, songs can be art and occasionally art fulfills with business accomplishment but the music company is a company, not a expertise show. The faster you "get" that the quicker you'll be able to goal your attempts appropriately and accomplish your goal. Certainly we're all out there recording, promoting and selling talent but at the conclude of the day there have to be profits or the party's more than.
At big firms large sales are needed to keep the lighting on and give the company power in opposition to competition. If putting a fairly face on a stage sells 600% much more tickets in excess of an arguably more talented but in physical form a lot less appealing selection, the very good businessperson has small, if any, decision but to go with the larger income. And if someone is backing an act monetarily enough to eliminate the risk and price of launching an act in a company the place the vast majority of recently signed artists get rid of funds right up until they're quietly dropped from the roster, the businessperson does the intelligent issue and operates with it.
It really is simple to sit in your dwelling area comfortable chair and postulate that choices in the tunes organization should be manufactured totally on creative benefit. But you're not the a single trying to meet a payroll, bankroll recordings, pay utility charges, and much more. If you were occupying the government chair you'd quickly be creating the exact same conclusions as the business dude sitting down in it now you're dissing.
I created a vocal session yesterday with a singer who has a really productive indie profession and is in the center of hoping to seal his huge tag deal. We reviewed what it will take to be signed these times, he being new from a full day of meetings with "money folks and lawyers" the working day prior. He stated, "Wander in the doorway of Sony with $1 million for first recording charges and promotion and an additional $2 million to be utilized if you get some traction with radio and retail and you're quickly moved to the top 2-3% of the hundreds of individuals hoping to get a bargain." If you don't have a father who owns a large Seasonal tree farm like Taylor's dad or a rich relative, that income can be pledged by traders.
The implication is clear that the Craigslisters are the types with actual skill, that if lifestyle have been reasonable they'd be the kinds winning the awards. They rant endlessly about how Taylor obtained a recording commitment only simply because her Father acquired her way in.
When I'm finished pondering why these men and women aren't out pursuing their individual deal rather of crying to strangers on Craigslist, I usually make a minor rebuttal post just to excite issues up, the gist being maybe we could all find out a couple lessons from Taylor:
Lesson #1: Expertise is a wonderful factor, but skill with financial backing and organization acumen connected wins out
Look, songs can be art and occasionally art fulfills with business accomplishment but the music company is a company, not a expertise show. The faster you "get" that the quicker you'll be able to goal your attempts appropriately and accomplish your goal. Certainly we're all out there recording, promoting and selling talent but at the conclude of the day there have to be profits or the party's more than.
At big firms large sales are needed to keep the lighting on and give the company power in opposition to competition. If putting a fairly face on a stage sells 600% much more tickets in excess of an arguably more talented but in physical form a lot less appealing selection, the very good businessperson has small, if any, decision but to go with the larger income. And if someone is backing an act monetarily enough to eliminate the risk and price of launching an act in a company the place the vast majority of recently signed artists get rid of funds right up until they're quietly dropped from the roster, the businessperson does the intelligent issue and operates with it.
It really is simple to sit in your dwelling area comfortable chair and postulate that choices in the tunes organization should be manufactured totally on creative benefit. But you're not the a single trying to meet a payroll, bankroll recordings, pay utility charges, and much more. If you were occupying the government chair you'd quickly be creating the exact same conclusions as the business dude sitting down in it now you're dissing.
I created a vocal session yesterday with a singer who has a really productive indie profession and is in the center of hoping to seal his huge tag deal. We reviewed what it will take to be signed these times, he being new from a full day of meetings with "money folks and lawyers" the working day prior. He stated, "Wander in the doorway of Sony with $1 million for first recording charges and promotion and an additional $2 million to be utilized if you get some traction with radio and retail and you're quickly moved to the top 2-3% of the hundreds of individuals hoping to get a bargain." If you don't have a father who owns a large Seasonal tree farm like Taylor's dad or a rich relative, that income can be pledged by traders.
Tips And Tricks For Snapping Great Photos
Are you learning to embrace the art of photography? As you know, this world is vast and filled with many different aspects. Photography has a personal element to it, so it may be unclear what you need to emphasize in your photography education to get the photos that you want. The information provided below may help you to learn where to start.
A tripod could be a great improvement. A picture can be ruined if you cannot hold your camera perfectly still. Any tripod eliminates this problem, there is no need to invest in an elaborate one. A tripod will improve your photo results and reduce unexpected results.
Take a little time to focus on and appreciate your surroundings when photographing beautiful pictures in nature. Also, take some time to really appreciate your surroundings, making sure not to leave anything behind. Leave your natural photography spots as you found them: pristine and beautiful.
Spend some time taking photos with another photographer, or join a photography club. While other photographers can provide you with valuable information and advice, be careful not to begin imitating their personal styles in your own photography. Compare your photos with your photo buddy to see what different approaches each of you had towards the same subjects.
As you start to embrace photographs, there are certain things you absolutely must know. One of those things is understanding white balance, or the color of light, that displays in your photos. Every light will produce a different color shade, and if you want your photos to look right, you need to use the right lighting.
In order for you to improve your photography skills, you must be willing to practice often. For those reluctant to try photography, the advent of digital cameras has given new access to this art and its possibilities. Since film cost is not a consideration, you can practice taking as many pictures as you want, without worrying about spending a fortune.
When you are prepared to take your photography to the next level, invest in a dSLR camera. A DSLR is a single-lens reflex camera that is digital. These cameras are superior when it comes to viewing your subject just as the image is shot. The largest image sensors are available in the full frame DSLR, which gives you the highest level of detail to your exposures.
One way to foster creativity in your photography is to impose limitations on yourself. For instance, set a daily goal and just shoot what represents a single concept, like "sweet." Focus your shooting to one spot or room and shoot 100 varied photographs. The limitations in this environment will help you to think creatively, resulting in more unusual photos.
Find a good balance between aperture, shutter speed and ISO. Your photo's exposure is dictated by these three settings, taken together. Both overexposed and underexposed pictures should always be avoided, unless you are going for that particular effect. By toying with these features, you can learn how they work together to achieve different looks.
Good photography does rely on a some effort and education on the part of the photographer. Some tips can give your shots immediate improvement, but other tips may require you to take a certain amount of practice shots in order to see good progress. Don't forget that photography is meant to be fun, so keep having fun with it. You are bound to be successful if you listen to these tips.
A tripod could be a great improvement. A picture can be ruined if you cannot hold your camera perfectly still. Any tripod eliminates this problem, there is no need to invest in an elaborate one. A tripod will improve your photo results and reduce unexpected results.
Take a little time to focus on and appreciate your surroundings when photographing beautiful pictures in nature. Also, take some time to really appreciate your surroundings, making sure not to leave anything behind. Leave your natural photography spots as you found them: pristine and beautiful.
Spend some time taking photos with another photographer, or join a photography club. While other photographers can provide you with valuable information and advice, be careful not to begin imitating their personal styles in your own photography. Compare your photos with your photo buddy to see what different approaches each of you had towards the same subjects.
As you start to embrace photographs, there are certain things you absolutely must know. One of those things is understanding white balance, or the color of light, that displays in your photos. Every light will produce a different color shade, and if you want your photos to look right, you need to use the right lighting.
In order for you to improve your photography skills, you must be willing to practice often. For those reluctant to try photography, the advent of digital cameras has given new access to this art and its possibilities. Since film cost is not a consideration, you can practice taking as many pictures as you want, without worrying about spending a fortune.
When you are prepared to take your photography to the next level, invest in a dSLR camera. A DSLR is a single-lens reflex camera that is digital. These cameras are superior when it comes to viewing your subject just as the image is shot. The largest image sensors are available in the full frame DSLR, which gives you the highest level of detail to your exposures.
One way to foster creativity in your photography is to impose limitations on yourself. For instance, set a daily goal and just shoot what represents a single concept, like "sweet." Focus your shooting to one spot or room and shoot 100 varied photographs. The limitations in this environment will help you to think creatively, resulting in more unusual photos.
Find a good balance between aperture, shutter speed and ISO. Your photo's exposure is dictated by these three settings, taken together. Both overexposed and underexposed pictures should always be avoided, unless you are going for that particular effect. By toying with these features, you can learn how they work together to achieve different looks.
Good photography does rely on a some effort and education on the part of the photographer. Some tips can give your shots immediate improvement, but other tips may require you to take a certain amount of practice shots in order to see good progress. Don't forget that photography is meant to be fun, so keep having fun with it. You are bound to be successful if you listen to these tips.
Home Improvement: What To Know Before You Begin
If you're wondering if you have enough knowledge to improve your home properly, then you want to educate yourself on what you need to do. When you are thinking of home improvement projects, knowledge will help you be more successful.
Sealant strips and draft excluders are but two of your choices in preventing air flow escaping around your door frames. Draft excluders are used under a door to stop warm air from escaping and prevent cold air from entering. Sealant strips can fit around frames of doors and do something similar. You can find them at many hardware stores.
One home improvement project that does not cost money, but can make a huge difference is cleaning your gutters. Gutters that are clogged up enough to retain water will let excess moisture attack vulnerabilities in the fascia boards on which they are mounted. This rots the wood. Maintaining clean gutters is a valuable home improvement chore!
When you are considering home projects, be creative and think about what you aim to accomplish. By doing this, once you've started a project, you can put your complete focus on the build, not on design decisions. There are numerous sources of inspiration for your next home improvement project.
Make sure you are well prepared before you undertake any home improvement project! Prior to painting a room, it is crucial that you place covers over any furniture before you get started. You do not want to get any paint on the furniture and accidentally damage it. Use old sheets to cover your furniture.
Wallpaper is a good alternative if you don't like paneling or painting. This can be a simple and cost-effective way to give any room a nice updated look. When choosing wallpaper to use, make sure you don't choose one that will be especially difficult to remove. You may find that you don't like the wallpaper once it is up.
You need a professional if you're wanting to work on your electrical system. A licensed electrician will advise you of your best options, and how the job should be done. If you go it alone, you might end up causing a lot of harm.
It's important that your bathroom has either a window or ventilation system. Humidity can cause a lot of damage to a bathroom. You'll be dealing with mold regardless of whether you paint over it or not. Try using preventative measures to keep it from growing. Install a window or ventilation, to dehumidify your space.
New fixtures such as handles and knobs for your cabinets can brighten up any kitchen. Replacing knobs on cabinets is a easy way to impact the look of your home. Clean your cabinets once you've removed the old knobs since it will be easier to do without them in the way. Then add your new knobs, your home should look great after this.
You can update your appliances in the kitchen with a little money. Stainless steel is popular, but it does not make sense to discard a perfectly good refrigerator just because it does not look trendy. Consider buying appliance spray paint to color your appliances in any hue you can imagine. That makes it easy to renovate your kitchen in just a day.
So, you have made it through the article. Nicely done! This article has provided a good foundation for making some changes in your home.
Sealant strips and draft excluders are but two of your choices in preventing air flow escaping around your door frames. Draft excluders are used under a door to stop warm air from escaping and prevent cold air from entering. Sealant strips can fit around frames of doors and do something similar. You can find them at many hardware stores.
One home improvement project that does not cost money, but can make a huge difference is cleaning your gutters. Gutters that are clogged up enough to retain water will let excess moisture attack vulnerabilities in the fascia boards on which they are mounted. This rots the wood. Maintaining clean gutters is a valuable home improvement chore!
When you are considering home projects, be creative and think about what you aim to accomplish. By doing this, once you've started a project, you can put your complete focus on the build, not on design decisions. There are numerous sources of inspiration for your next home improvement project.
Make sure you are well prepared before you undertake any home improvement project! Prior to painting a room, it is crucial that you place covers over any furniture before you get started. You do not want to get any paint on the furniture and accidentally damage it. Use old sheets to cover your furniture.
Wallpaper is a good alternative if you don't like paneling or painting. This can be a simple and cost-effective way to give any room a nice updated look. When choosing wallpaper to use, make sure you don't choose one that will be especially difficult to remove. You may find that you don't like the wallpaper once it is up.
You need a professional if you're wanting to work on your electrical system. A licensed electrician will advise you of your best options, and how the job should be done. If you go it alone, you might end up causing a lot of harm.
It's important that your bathroom has either a window or ventilation system. Humidity can cause a lot of damage to a bathroom. You'll be dealing with mold regardless of whether you paint over it or not. Try using preventative measures to keep it from growing. Install a window or ventilation, to dehumidify your space.
New fixtures such as handles and knobs for your cabinets can brighten up any kitchen. Replacing knobs on cabinets is a easy way to impact the look of your home. Clean your cabinets once you've removed the old knobs since it will be easier to do without them in the way. Then add your new knobs, your home should look great after this.
You can update your appliances in the kitchen with a little money. Stainless steel is popular, but it does not make sense to discard a perfectly good refrigerator just because it does not look trendy. Consider buying appliance spray paint to color your appliances in any hue you can imagine. That makes it easy to renovate your kitchen in just a day.
So, you have made it through the article. Nicely done! This article has provided a good foundation for making some changes in your home.
Coffee Lover? This Article Will Seal Your Bond!
Everyone loves that early morning cup of coffee, but it is a mystery to many people why homemade coffee never tastes as delicious as the coffee from the coffee shop. The article below will provide you some great tips on achieving the best coffee.
Only buy organic coffee. Coffee tends to absorb whatever is in the nearby soil, which greatly affects the flavor of the resulting drink. Thus, organic coffee is sure to offer the best flavor.
Do you find yourself struggling to recreate the flavor of those expensive but tasty coffeehouse drinks? It might just be that you need to add more coffee. A good rule of thumb is to measure two tablespoons of grounds per each six ounce cup of water. Experiment to find the ratio that works for you. Also understand that you'll need to change things up as you try different blends.
Be sure to take the coffee pot of the burner when you are done using it. Coffee that is left on a hot burner can scald in as little as 20 minutes, resulting in a flat and bitter brew.
Before you add your dairy products to the coffee, add flavored syrups. It will dissolve best in hot coffee. Putting in the syrup beforehand will create a much more lasting effect. Once the syrup has dissolved, add sugar, creamer or milk if you like.
Try using water that has been through a charcoal filter. There are charcoal water filters you can install into your sink, so that you filter your tap water with charcoal. You could also look for a coffee maker with a built-in filter. Or, you can try buying filtered water at your grocery store.
You can benefit yourself by purchasing whole beans and grinding them. Freshly ground beans have the most fabulous flavor. Burr mill grinders will give you the best grind that money can buy. The grinder makes even sized grounds that will bring out the coffee's true flavor.
If you're bored of your regular cup of coffee, try adding some chocolate to it. Not only will this taste amazing, it can provide an extra boost to your normal cup of coffee. If you want a real "wake me up," try adding some dark chocolate to your coffee.
If you like your coffee sweet but want to use less sugar, there are many healthier alternatives. Agave nectar contain sugar, but it doesn't negatively affect the blood sugar control of diabetics. Stevia and Splenda also work well to sweeten coffee.
If you are making your own coffee, stir it up in the pot shortly after brewing. Stir your coffee for the best taste and smell. You will have a stronger coffee and a great aroma.
In conclusion, there are many choices to make when it comes to coffee. Whether you enjoy going to the coffee shop, brew at your home or both, you have a lot of choices. Hopefully, this article has helped you to make more sense of the choices you face.
Shakeology Enjoy Potion
Shakeology is developed to be a single of the most healthiest beverages. It is made up of much more than 70 elements to make a healthy alternative to other healthier beverages out there. It also includes a very good total of protein in a tiny serving of 140 calories. There are quite a few rewards to why Shakeology can support to boost your over-all wellness. Just one of its elements is maca. It is a plant that is developed in the Andean Mountains wherever Peru is currently. The plant is very equivalent to a radish or turnip. The explanation why Shakeology could be identified as a appreciate potion is the fact that it has this component and has been know to boost libido and increase semen quality. It also has the gain of increased stamina, endurance and mental focus. For people that are energetic, it can support with factors of your physical fitness. Possessing a wonderful stamina and stamina can aid you to get the job done more challenging and more time which will direct to better and more quickly results in any workout you are undertaking. So if you are getting Shakeology and speculate if there is some advancement in your really like lifetime and sex push, then it may possibly since you are using Shakeology.
There are quite a few ways to consider Shakeology. Most of them have to have to include substances like fruit or even much more protein to make it an even greater consume, even though other folks like it in its pure kind. There are various persons out there performing the Shakeology Cleanse which is a three day cleanse with the Shakeology shake. It is extremely easy to do but needs far more psychological toughness to accomplish.
The Shakeology 3 Day Cleanse is this:
Consume 3 Shakeology shakes a day (combine with h2o only)
Have a salad in the evening for supper with four ounces of protein, 2 tablespoons of olive oil and vinegar dressing, and 1 tablespoon of flax seed, chia seeds, or hemp seed
Consume a great deal of h2o. Coffee, tea, and organic teas are ok, as prolonged as no sugar or cream is included.
The Shakeology three Working day Cleanse can make you eliminate body weight and is not a thing you do lengthier than the a few days. It is something you do before you start out a new diet plan or workout regiment to get your overall body ready.
There are numerous more benefits for employing Shakeology in your everyday life.
The Shakeology 3 Working day Cleanse can make you eliminate fat and is not a thing you do more time than the a few days. It is something you do in advance of you start out a new diet plan or workout regiment to get your human body ready.
There are several approaches to get Shakeology. Most of them call for to increase ingredients like fruit or even a lot more protein to make it an even far better consume, when some others like it in its pure type. There are many people out there carrying out the Shakeology Cleanse which is a three working day cleanse with the Shakeology shake. It is really simple to do but demands much more mental toughness to achieve.
There are quite a few ways to consider Shakeology. Most of them have to have to include substances like fruit or even much more protein to make it an even greater consume, even though other folks like it in its pure kind. There are various persons out there performing the Shakeology Cleanse which is a three day cleanse with the Shakeology shake. It is extremely easy to do but needs far more psychological toughness to accomplish.
The Shakeology 3 Day Cleanse is this:
Consume 3 Shakeology shakes a day (combine with h2o only)
Have a salad in the evening for supper with four ounces of protein, 2 tablespoons of olive oil and vinegar dressing, and 1 tablespoon of flax seed, chia seeds, or hemp seed
Consume a great deal of h2o. Coffee, tea, and organic teas are ok, as prolonged as no sugar or cream is included.
The Shakeology three Working day Cleanse can make you eliminate body weight and is not a thing you do lengthier than the a few days. It is something you do before you start out a new diet plan or workout regiment to get your overall body ready.
There are numerous more benefits for employing Shakeology in your everyday life.
The Shakeology 3 Working day Cleanse can make you eliminate fat and is not a thing you do more time than the a few days. It is something you do in advance of you start out a new diet plan or workout regiment to get your human body ready.
There are several approaches to get Shakeology. Most of them call for to increase ingredients like fruit or even a lot more protein to make it an even far better consume, when some others like it in its pure type. There are many people out there carrying out the Shakeology Cleanse which is a three working day cleanse with the Shakeology shake. It is really simple to do but demands much more mental toughness to achieve.
Ways To Successfully Navigate Air Travel
Novices in travel need tips and advice to get started on the right foot. The following tips will help you plan the best trip possible and make solid travel decisions. Having plenty of time for fun on your trip requires careful planning, so you can probably benefit from the tips that follow.
When taking a vacation abroad, bring along local currency so you have money to spend right away. Exchange rates at airports can come with some hefty fees, or it could be difficult to find an exchange office that is open if you arrive to a country at night. Many large banks can sell you foreign money, so head there prior to going the airport.
Pack a few small candles for your hotel stay. You can make a generic hotel room smell more like home with use of scented candles. The scent creates a relaxing and romantic environment, and it may help you sleep better. Many candles now come in small sizes, and wax that melts away instead of creating a waxy drip.
Photocopy all your essential documents before leaving. You want to have copies of your passport, insurance, and other vital documents. Put them in some safe place other than with you. To protect yourself from the headaches that will happen if your documents are stolen or lost, leave a set of copies with someone trustworthy.
Leave your valuables at home. If you are bringing your valuables on a trip, there is more of a chance that they will get lost or stolen.
Make sure your passport hasn't expired. Review passport rules for the country you are visiting. Some of them have very strict guidelines that must be followed. Many will not allow you entry into the country if it expires soon. These tend to range from three to six months, but in some cases can reach eight months or even a year.
If traveling by air, it is important to think ahead of time. Just reaching the airport can be difficult to do quickly, especially if you are traveling through a major city during rush hour. Pack your suitcase beforehand to save time. Get yourself completely ready to go the night before your trip. It feels terrible to miss your flight.
Ask for a room located on a higher floor. Ground floor rooms are easier for thieves to access. If possible, request a room without sliding doors for security purposes. Sliding glass doors are, unfortunately, quite easy for thieves to get open.
IF you are in a foreign city, make sure that you are not dealing with people posing as police or other officials. Don't give anyone your original passport, because this could set you up for theft. If you are advised that you need to return with them to the police station or another office, travel with them only by foot. Avoid getting into a vehicle with anyone you don't know.
To avoid jet lag, try to stay up until about 8pm local time. You'll be tired that day, but staying up will force you to adjust to the new time zone. Sleeping when you get tired will just lengthen the adjustment time period. Jet lag will go away as soon as you're on the local schedule, so get your body adjusted as quickly as possible.
Keep your most important information and items close to you at all times. Don't let your purse dangle off your shoulder. Don't carry a bag with a zip that someone could easily open in a crowded area. When buying a travel bag, keep this in mind.
If you implement the tips mentioned here, you will most certainly increase the enjoyment factor of your next vacation. If this trip is your first vacation or the even the hundredth, you'll see more things and make your trip more memorable than you probably imagined possible.
When taking a vacation abroad, bring along local currency so you have money to spend right away. Exchange rates at airports can come with some hefty fees, or it could be difficult to find an exchange office that is open if you arrive to a country at night. Many large banks can sell you foreign money, so head there prior to going the airport.
Pack a few small candles for your hotel stay. You can make a generic hotel room smell more like home with use of scented candles. The scent creates a relaxing and romantic environment, and it may help you sleep better. Many candles now come in small sizes, and wax that melts away instead of creating a waxy drip.
Photocopy all your essential documents before leaving. You want to have copies of your passport, insurance, and other vital documents. Put them in some safe place other than with you. To protect yourself from the headaches that will happen if your documents are stolen or lost, leave a set of copies with someone trustworthy.
Leave your valuables at home. If you are bringing your valuables on a trip, there is more of a chance that they will get lost or stolen.
Make sure your passport hasn't expired. Review passport rules for the country you are visiting. Some of them have very strict guidelines that must be followed. Many will not allow you entry into the country if it expires soon. These tend to range from three to six months, but in some cases can reach eight months or even a year.
If traveling by air, it is important to think ahead of time. Just reaching the airport can be difficult to do quickly, especially if you are traveling through a major city during rush hour. Pack your suitcase beforehand to save time. Get yourself completely ready to go the night before your trip. It feels terrible to miss your flight.
Ask for a room located on a higher floor. Ground floor rooms are easier for thieves to access. If possible, request a room without sliding doors for security purposes. Sliding glass doors are, unfortunately, quite easy for thieves to get open.
IF you are in a foreign city, make sure that you are not dealing with people posing as police or other officials. Don't give anyone your original passport, because this could set you up for theft. If you are advised that you need to return with them to the police station or another office, travel with them only by foot. Avoid getting into a vehicle with anyone you don't know.
To avoid jet lag, try to stay up until about 8pm local time. You'll be tired that day, but staying up will force you to adjust to the new time zone. Sleeping when you get tired will just lengthen the adjustment time period. Jet lag will go away as soon as you're on the local schedule, so get your body adjusted as quickly as possible.
Keep your most important information and items close to you at all times. Don't let your purse dangle off your shoulder. Don't carry a bag with a zip that someone could easily open in a crowded area. When buying a travel bag, keep this in mind.
If you implement the tips mentioned here, you will most certainly increase the enjoyment factor of your next vacation. If this trip is your first vacation or the even the hundredth, you'll see more things and make your trip more memorable than you probably imagined possible.
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